MY HERO in the News

Young people like Branson Baker cannot be praised enough. He is proof positive that even children can do extraordinary things.

Branson Baker

by Bruce Holtgren from Cincinnati, Ohio in United States

Branson's uncle, Johnny Baker, said: “The only way he found his way back was with lightning strikes that lit the road. He ran as fast as he could, as hard as he could, he made a mile in 10 minutes. That’s pretty impressive for a little kid…The last thing Branson told them was, ‘Mom, Dad, please don’t die, I will be back.’”

168500Branson also organized a fundraiser by his baseball team, and in his first game after his heroic actions, he hit a home run.Provided by familyBranson Baker, Age 9

Branson ran a mile in pitch-black darkness in 10 minutes, dodging downed live power lines and dangerous debris, to save his parents' lives after their truck was hit by a tornado in Oklahoma on April 27, 2024. See article here.

Page created on 5/5/2024 9:39:03 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 5:20:41 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

GoFundMe page - There is a GoFundMe to help Brandon's parents, who were very seriously injured, including broken necks and broken backs. They are self-employed and will be unable to work for several weeks or months.

Extra Info

Please consider asking President Biden to honor Branson. Go to the White House website and submit a request for a commendation here.

Also, please consider asking Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt to declare Branson Baker Day. Request a Proclamation of Commendation here.

