
Mrs. Prewett

by Warren Harrison from Douglas Ville, Georgia in United States

      My Hero: Mrs.Prewett

All teachers have taught me something. From syllables to long division, they are all helpful in some way. The most important one of all? Mrs. Prewett has helped me so much with things such as; GMAS, Write score, ETC. Teachers don’t get enough recognition. They work all day every day to grade papers, teach, and help with things. They are severely under-recognized, they honestly deserve more love.

Mrs. Prewett is my hero. She was the first one to teach me how to write an essay; she taught me what different kinds of essays there are, and she even went the extra mile to make writing fun! Some people who had her in my school only liked her because of how many treats she would give us. She absolutely spoiled us and I praise her because of that and the fact she taught us so much in a year!

Mrs. Prewett said that her must have iPhone apps would have to be the camera app because of how many memories can be stored and looked at in the future. She also said that she would only last 2 days in a zombie apocalypse which I disagree with because Mrs. Prewett is a strong and courageous woman. She said that if she could take her students anywhere for a field trip she would take them to Disney World. On top of all of that, she said the most embarrassing moment in her teaching career was when she accidentally spilled 1 gallon of water on 3 students while being observed by the principal.

Teachers are the core of your knowledge, they taught you almost every standard you use today. Mrs. Prewett has helped lots of students including me. She is my idol for so many reasons. The most important one? She made teaching fun. It motivated me to learn and I respect that. Learning is so important and she is the most supportive teacher ever! That's why she is my idol.


Page created on 5/13/2024 1:11:16 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 3:19:45 PM

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