
Amy Dona

by Greg from Bonham

When asked to write a story about somebody that has influenced my life, I chose Amy Dona. She is my youth leader at my church. I have known them for a very long time and since i was in the third grade, she has influenced my life. I had moved to Bonham TX in the third grade and almost immediately started going to church at Central Baptist in Bonham. Her husband is the preacher there and she had led the youth group. Even before I was in the youth group, she has influenced my life. She has a daughter who is in my grade so even when I was in the Junior Church, I was around her a lot. She has led me to where I am today.

She has been such a great role model of mine. She always puts others before her even when she is going through very difficult times. I have seen her develop bonds with kids my age, older, and younger, and lead them to salvation and show them the way of God. Even other than just church, she is always there for me when i need her. Even the little things that she does for me mean a whole lot. There could be a day at school when I don't feel well and my parents are at work, that I could call her at any time if I needed something and she would be there for me, as well as anyone else who needed it. She always tends to find time for other people and to me that makes a hero. I see a hero as somebody who, no matter what, is willing to put others before themselves. And that is exactly what she does.

She is one of the greatest people I've ever met and I'm glad and lucky to have somebody in my life like her. Ever since we met, she has treated my like her own kid and has supported me in everything that I do. She has helped me grow up and become the person I am today. I can honestly say I don't know where I would be without her. And throughout the years, even today, I continue to be very close to Mrs. Amy and still continue going to Central Baptist.

Page created on 9/20/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/20/2013 12:00:00 AM

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