
Hirotada Ototake

by Patricia from Jakarta

Hirotada Ototake, or people usually called him Otto, is a Japanese writer. His book which is titled "No One's Perfect" became a best seller in Japan and it already translates into several languages. Otto was born in April 6, 1976, in Japan with Tetra-Amelia, a congenital condition that left him with almost no arms and legs. He came from an ordinary family. Although he was born without arms and legs, his parents always wanted him to have a normal life, it means no special treatment for him. His parents also refused to let Otto attend special school, they preferred to let Otto attend normal primary school.

Otto is a smart person, he never looks sad or shy with his condition. He is a daring, alive, and optimistic person. His disability did not make him surrender with his life but accept his circumstance off hand. Even without arms and legs he always forces himself to do what normal people can do like playing basketball and American football, joining 50 meters run race, and climbing up Mount Kobo with his friends. His limitation never stops him from studying. He studied hard to get into Wasada University, even it meant he must push himself to writing with a pen that he holds between his cheek and the stump of his left arms.

In his book, he wrote about his life from childhood to adulthood life and many journeys that we can't imagine a disabled person can do. He also said something about the possible sadness of being different. No One's Perfect, although his body is imperfect, he is a perfect boy that all parents want and he became perfect with his own way of seeing something.

Like many countries, Japan is a country that has historically misunderstood the value of disabled people. Disabled people must endure being ignored. Now Otto appears and breaks the barriers of that prejudice. He said in his book that he is not pitiful and he enjoys his life although his body is not perfect. It makes me realize that I must thank God that He gave me a normal body and I have to use it well.

I choose him to be my hero because I think he is an amazing person. His spirit and willingness inspire me to be more mature and not to give up with circumstances. Even though he is a disabled person, he still can make many changes and he can make his life more meaningful, so as a normal person I must be able to make something much better. He makes me always think positive and optimist. When I am in trouble I just need to remember his spirit and I will start to think that I can do anything if I put an effort into it. Therefore, he is my savior when I am feeling down.

Page created on 2/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

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