
King Hassan II

by Yassine from Laayoune

His Majesty King Hassan II (
His Majesty King Hassan II (

A hero is a good example as the reference of the most important one in your life. The word hero is a person who has the courage, wisdom, patriotism and all the qualities of sacrifice for the honor and the right and the law. A hero is a person in your life who has changed your life. A hero is someone that you can look up to and get advice. Somebody who is there and cares for others. The one who no matter what, he would help the human to a better life, unlike some people who see their hero as a person who applies some attributes such as courage and strength. But I do not consider the championship of one person but rather as everyone contributing to the formative within the community effectively.

After taking the throne on March 3, 1961, His Majesty the late Hassan II to do the completion of major achievements in both the economic and the land to build a prosperous Morocco.

In the area of complete territorial integrity, he was the first to open negotiations with the powers, French, Spanish and American armies, which still held on the territory of Morocco. The most important achievement has been in the economic field as the version of the Dahir of March 2, 1973 on which the face of the activation process of Moroccan managers and vital sectors in the economic and industrial and recovered many of the oldest lands to be subject to reform agricultural reforms.

The most important political event of modern Morocco is known to recover deserts from the hands of Spanish colonialism. This was done after His Majesty the late Hassan II had the creative idea to organize a green march in the direction of the desert regions to force the Spanish authorities to evacuate the land occupied by Morocco since 1884. The King declared in his address to the people for the idea on October 6, 1975. Already responded to the will of the entire Moroccan Royal College, as directed 350.000 Morocco, and Morocco, including 35.000 to the desert to register historical epic colonial forced to abandon the desert to Morocco to recover sovereignty over these territories.

The first steps initiated by His Majesty the late Hassan II in the field of strengthening democratic institutions in the country are the reforms made to the Moroccan constitution since 1962. The last reform made to the Constitution was the reform of 1996. It was the policy of King Hassan II to tend towards a political balance in Morocco, often called the need for coexistence between the monarchy and opposition parties, particularly. This culminated in his finding equilibrium Government of rotation in the nineties, which held Bzmamha the Socialist Union of Popular Forces, with a long history of opposition political scene and its openness towards the participation of its components in the political deliberative between the parties in the palace and the opposition parties in February 1998. Thus, King Hassan II left his mark is evident in moving the Moroccan future.

Page created on 6/7/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/7/2010 12:00:00 AM

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