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Wisdom for a Livable Planet: The Visionary Work of Terri Swearingen, Dave Foreman, Wes Jackson, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Werner Fornos, Herman Daly, Stephen Schneider, and David Orr

By Carl N. McDaniel

Publisher: Trinity University Press, March 2005
ISBN: 1595340092
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
There are many books on the environment, but Wisdom for a Livable Planet stands out by using inspirational stories of successful activists to explore major environmental issues and offer proven solutions. This passionate, nonpartisan book makes the case that the environment is - or should be - beyond politics. Each story here - 8 in all - provides a portrait of an individual's courageous campaign to improve the conditions for life on the planet. Terri Swearington, nurse and mother in West Virginia, tackles one of the world's largest incinerators burning toxic waste next to an elementary school. Dave Foreman, cofounder of the Wildlands Project, leads the effort to restore functional ecosystems and preserve biodiversity by re-wilding almost half of North America with wolves, jaguars, falcons, and other animals. The work of these and the other six visionaries profiled here points to how real reforms can create a brighter future for all life, including human.
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