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Daniel Boone: The Life and Legend of an American Pioneer

By John Mack Faragher

Publisher: Holt, Henry & Company, Inc., November 1993
ISBN: 0805030077
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.

Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for History for 1993

In the first and most reliable biography of Daniel Boone in more than fifty years, award-winning historian Faragher brilliantly portrays America’s famous frontier hero. Drawing from popular narrative, the public record, scraps of documentation from Boone’s own hand, and a treasure of reminiscence gathered by nineteenth-century antiquarians, Faragher uses the methods of new social history to create a portrait of the man and the times he helped shape. Blending themes from a much vitalized Western and frontier history with the words and ideas of ordinary people, Faragher has produced a book that will stand as the definitive life of Daniel Boone for decades to come, and one that illuminates the frontier world of Boone like no other.

User Reviews:
elizabeth | 3/15/2011 2:04 AM
i love this book but how did he travel?
drew broeckelman | 1/24/2006 6:58 AM
This book was awsome. I thought i knew everything about daniel boone well i was totally wrong

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