The MY HERO Project | Library

Generation Fix: Young Ideas for a Better World

By Elizabeth Rusch

Publisher: Beyond Words Publising; (June 2002)
ISBN: 1582700672
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
From the Publisher
Generation Fix recognizes and celebrates that kids' ideas are powerful enough to change the world in profound ways. These stories represent just a few of the thousands of young people who have taken action to address issues such as hunger, homelessness, violence, discrimination, healthcare, education, and the environment. Kids profiled include Hannah Jukovsky, who at age 9 organized a boycott of a required test in Massachusetts because she thought the test was unfair; Zachary Ebers, who at age 14 collected thousands of boxes of cereal so kids who relied on free breakfasts at school could have something to eat in the summer; and Ann Lai, a 12-year-old who invented a sensor to monitor the sulfur dioxide released from smokestacks, contributing to acid rain. Each chapter provides space for readers to brainstorm their own solutions to the world's problems. Resources and black-and-white illustrations are also included.
User Reviews:
Tom | 11/21/2005 4:43 AM
its good

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