
Tommy Douglas

by Keeley from Saskatoon

Tommy Douglas (
Tommy Douglas (

Tommy Douglas was the Premier of Saskatchewan. He created the first North American medicare program. He gave Saskatchewan residents free healthcare.

Tommy Douglas was born in Falkirk, Glasgow, Scotland. In 1910 Tommy's family immigrated to Winnipeg. During World War I the family returned to Glasgow. They came back to Winnipeg in 1919.

Tommy Douglas was born on October 20th, 1904 and died on February 24th, 1986.

When Tommy was ten he injured his leg and developed ostemyilitis. It would have been amputated, had it not been for a doctor who saw the condition as a good subject to teach his students and agreed to help for free. This led to the creation of free healthcare.

Tommy Douglas is important to me because he did great things for Saskatchewan's community. Tommy inspires me because his number one concern was the creation of Medicare and being healthy and having doctors is very important. Tommy is a hero to all.

Page created on 3/5/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/5/2009 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Tommy Douglas Website