
David Eugene Turner

by Diandre from Bitburg High School

The greatest teacher ever

David Eugene Turner passed away on the 7th of September from a heart attack while he was coaching cross country. It was a major impact on everybody’s life. We’ve lost one of the greatest people in this world. He was one of the greatest teachers ever. He inspired a lot of students parents and a lot more people. He always had a smile on his face and always had a good joke to just cheer you up in the right moment. He was an true angel and God is happy to have him by his side now.

Here are some letters from the students to Mr. Turner:

“I know you’ll never read this, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you being my teacher. I only had you for a semester, but you became my favorite teacher in a heartbeat. You could always keep me laughing, no matter what. You always understood. I wanted to spend my high school years with you, but I guess God had other plans. I have so many good memories of you & every time I talk about them they always make people smile. You were funny, energetic, and always had a smile on your face. I miss you SO much. I’ll never forget you” –anonymous

“Coach T- thanks for being my coach. I will miss you and you will always be in my heart. Rest in Peace! –“less than freshman”

“Mr.T, I hope you’re proud of me for passing your math class. And I had hoped you’ll be there at Comp this year…we won't be able to do it without you…I love and miss you.. P.S. I’ll still save you some of them cookies”-Ms. Boring-

“Hey Mr.T, Always callin me Freak Boy, Thanks for learnin me math. You’re the best. RIP” –Daniel Demers

“You could always spot a cheerleader from a mile away, but I know you can [still] spot one in heaven. Us cheerleaders love you so much!” –anonymous cheerleader

Mr. Turner, Let me start by saying that you were the best math teacher that I ever had. You always knew what to say to make us all understand. You were an amazing person too. You were always optimistic, and even when you had a bad day you were always looking on the bright side. You were an amazing coach and motivator. You had some of the best athletes in Europe. You will be missed greatly by many. You were such a great husband and father. You lived a wonderful life.
-Take care.

Coach T., I never enjoyed math until you came along. Thanks for everything. You made class fun to go to. I’ll miss all your corny jokes and your “serious” face. I guess you won’t be yelling at Shannon and me for taking you Pop-Tarts anymore. Bitburg High lost one of their best teachers. You’ll live on in our school and our hearts forever.
-Meghan C.

Coach Turner, We miss you. It is hard to understand why you were called away. I pray for your family, your wife and your children, and each and every person you loved and influenced, Students, teachers, friends, co-workers, and community. I pray that we will all take comfort in knowing that you were taken from us for a reason. And that God has a plan. Though we may not understand.

When you’re gone…
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day…when you walk always I count the steps you take….
I Miss You.

Mr. Turner,
I can’t believe you’re gone. You will be greatly missed. You are a wonderful teacher, father, husband, and friends. You always had a smile on your face and could always make me, along with the rest of your students, laugh. It’s a tragedy to see you leave. You left behind a great bunch of kids that love you more then you could ever imagine. Your corny jokes will be missed and your Santa Claus look. No other teacher could ever measure up to your greatness. We love you and as we sit here in tears we do our best to think of all the great memories you left us with here at Bitburg American high school. You’re in heaven now, and sleeping with the angels. May you rest in peace and never be forgotten. I send my blessings to your family and hope they know that all of BHS is here for them. We love you.

Page created on 9/19/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/11/2018 5:37:36 AM

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