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Combating AIDS : Communication Strategies in Action

By Arvind Singhal

Publisher: Sage Publications; (January 14, 2003)
ISBN: 0761997288
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
The purpose of this book is to synthesize critical lessons about effective HIV//AIDS prevention programmes, with a major emphasis on communication strategies. The authors feel that despite the growing AIDS crisis, the world is making poor use of behaviour change and communication strategies for HIV//AIDS prevention. To begin with, the role of communication strategies in HIV prevention, care and support has been grossly underestimated. Prevention is shortchanged, despite the fact that no cure for AIDS has been found, and the cost of anti-retroviral therapy is out of reach for most who need it. Many communication strategies are culturally inappropriate, so they may offend public sensitivities, which is easy to do when dealing with a sensitive topic that involves sex, stigma and death. Combating AIDS: Communicaton Strategies in Action focuses on communication strategies that could mobilize political action, target high-risk groups, and overcome stigma. The authors have also described and analyzed the value of entertainment-education strategy in HIV prevention and care, highlighting the use of popular, long-running television and radio soap operas to engage audiences emotionally and create a forum for public debate and discussion. Focusing on the work being carried out by the individuals and organizations, this book humanizes the AIDS epidemic. Interesting, informative, and readable, this unique book will be of interest to those in the field of community and public health, social medicine, social work and public policy, as well as media professionals and voluntary agencies.
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