
Eva Haller Salon - Angela Fisher & Carol Beckwith led by Kathy Eldon

Directed by: Eva Haller | Starring: Angela Fisher, Carol Beckwith, Kathy Eldon, Amy Eldon Turteltaub | 2021 | United States



Episode #1 held on 9/18/2021 - A Celebration of the life and legacy of Dan Eldon. 

Dan Eldon was an activist, news photographer, and an artist who has been celebrated with stories, art and films on MY HERO.  celebrated with stories, art and films on MY HERO.  Dan Eldon, the late photojournalist, artist and activist, once said, ‘Connection is the Solution’  to human challenges. At age 22, Dan was stoned to death in Somalia while working as a Reuters photojournalist and a humanitarian. In those 22 years, Dan had accumulated more life experience than most in a lifetime. Dan was born on September 18th. During Dan’s short life, he lit sparks that after his death, and illuminated the paths of hundreds of thousands of people.  Kathy Eldon, Amy Eldon Turteltaub will regale us with stories that need to be told about creative activism around the world. They will introduce globally renowned photographers, Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith, who were among those who first inspired Dan’s interest in photography as a way to connect with people.  

The Dan Eldon Activist Award  is given annually at the MY HERO International Film Festival.