
Forget the Beef, Bring the Peace PSA

Produced by: Wide Angle Media | Documentary | 2015 | USA



Dir. Laquan Vaughn, Samyelle Lawson, Taylor Smith

Prod. Raylen Bethea, Karon Bristol, Faith Carter-Top, Bethel Crouse, Jordan Daff, Taryn Frazier, Markell Foster, Shabria Hart, Amaris Johnson, Perfect Kongolo, Sanai Matthews, Nyla Mckenny, Rashard Smith, Ty'Jai Smith, Dassan Thomas, Anerra White, Nikoy Woods, Darrin Yancey

Youth producers in the Baltimore Speaks Out! Program at Patterson Park Public Charter School express the importance of eliminating violence and bullying in their community. Over the course of one semester in the Fall of 2013, these students learned the basics of photography, video, and storytelling while also building leadership, teambuilding, and community awareness skills.