The MY HERO Project | Library

Gertrude Elion: Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology and Medicine (Women Hall of Famers in Mathematics and Science)

By Jennifer Macbain

Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group; 1st Edition (August 2003)
ISBN: 082393876X
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
A biography of the woman who used her understanding of chemistry to help develop medicines and who devoted her life to helping others.
User Reviews:
Collin | 3/23/2007 3:01 AM
This book is amazing and I loved it!  It had so much well written information and it was very helpful

                  THANK YOU!
Ms. Secret | 3/22/2007 9:08 AM
This book really helped me with my report.  It gave so much information that I could use in being succesful on my report.  It was well writen and was amazing.  Thank You and Great Job!

                           Thank you,
                                  Ms. Secret
Frog | 3/11/2006 1:48 PM
I think Gertrude is so awesome.  She is smart to me and all and i admire her.  Without her cancer still might be uncureable.  God Bless that lady.
Kira B. | 3/3/2004 12:51 AM
I read this book and I loved it! It really taught me alot about Gertrude that I never knew before. She was a remarkable lady and I wish she was still alive.

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