
EJ Vongher

by Chris from Glenview

My Hero
My Uncle EJ the Hero (By: Chris)
My Uncle EJ the Hero (By: Chris)

No need to fear, my Uncle EJ is here! My Uncle EJ is the best and he is my hero because he helps me when I needed it. He teaches me special things, and he makes me happy when I am sad. My Uncle EJ is the best ever.

First of all, my Uncle EJ is my hero because he helps me when I need it. That means when I need help, my Uncle EJ is always there for me. When I am doing my homework he sometimes helps me. A time when my Uncle EJ helped me was when I was thinking of equations when I was doing my math. He helped me by telling me clues of what to do. He also helps my brother. A time he helped my brother is when my brother was also doing math and he was stuck on a multiplication problem so my Uncle EJ told him the steps. My hero is the best at helping me.

Second of all, my Uncle EJ is my hero because he teaches me special things. Teaching people special things means teaching people something that they could not do before. I was learning how to do a trick and my Uncle EJ taught me to do it. My Uncle EJ teaches my brother also. He taught my brother how to play tabletop football. My hero has great talent.

Finally, my Uncle EJ is my hero because he makes me happy when I am sad. That means when I am sad he cheers me up. One time I was sad because I could not get something. So he cheered me up. My Uncle EJ cheered me up by telling me “It is o.k., we will do something else like tabletop football or something”. He also cheered me up when I did not want to go to bed. He cheered me up by telling me “It is o.k., we will have breakfast.” My Uncle EJ is great at cheering me up so he is my hero!

In conclusion, my Uncle EJ is my hero because he is the best at making me happy when I am sad, he helps me when I need it and he teaches me special things. My Uncle EJ is a great hero!

Page created on 12/18/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/18/2010 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The MY HERO Gallery - For Chris's crayon portrait of his hero and uncle, EJ.