
World Heavyweight Undefeated Kumite Champion Frank W. Dux

by Steven A. Haim-Giovanni from Reseda

Through history, heroes have challenged the norms set before them. Heroes have developed ideal methods of bravery from dissimilar historical events. Many of these brave individuals have succeeded in changing our future, by altering the past of our universe in various aspects. My personal hero is the undefeated American Champion of the Kumite and other numerous tournaments, Frank W. Dux. Other Martial Artist’s may be more popular and known for their styles, such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chun Li, Jet Li, and even Chuck Norris. These are the many prevalent masters of Martial Arts, however none have measured up to beat the various and extraordinary world records of Frank Dux. He achieved international recognition and gratitude as one of the foremost chief experts in self-defense and personal growth. He has been the subject matter of numerous articles, television interviews, and film features such as the famous movie based upon his life called Bloodsport.

Frank W. Dux leads an interesting life, but not many know of his childhood or biographical information. Frank Dux can be also referred to as Shidoshi Dux and Hanshi Frank Dux. He has battled various fighters of many styles and backgrounds in different types of tournaments, bouts, underground fights, and most of all, the secretly held contest called the Kumite. A Kumite is a secret subterranean tournament of the world’s greatest fighters from all different styles. At the Kumite, the best of the best will meet and fight for honor, courage, integrity, and perseverance. The best overall fighter will prevail, earn the title of the “Supreme Warrior” and receive the elite and exclusive Kumite Sword. Dux is triumphant due to his skillfulness, determination, and absolute fortune.

The movie Bloodsport, focuses on the Kumite and briefly explains how Frank Dux got involved in martial arts, and how he has become the best. The movie shows the Kumite taking place in the back alleys of Hong Kong, where the finest handpicked fighters throughout the world from a variety of fighting disciplines gather to come across each other and brawl to the finish. Frank Dux is one such combatant from America, and no westerner has ever won the Kumite. He travels to Hong Kong and meets Jackson, another American fighter who is a contestant in the Kumite. Jackson is a large individual of street style fighting and looks like a typical biker. Jackson and Frank arrived at the Kumite final tryouts from their guide. A preliminary test must be completed by Frank Dux in order to accurately grant him access into the Kumite. He must complete this test to prove his identity of the Tanaka Clan. This is a clan that he claims and was trained by. His master, who was born into the clan, trained Dux and fought in the Kumite as well. In order to prove his identity, Frank has to break a stack of bricks, which he does with the “death touch.” It is a method of attack his Shidoshi clan is famous for and it is called the “din mac.” He breaks the bottom brick only, because the “din mac” is a special test of his Clan where you break only the bottom brick and none other. The reigning Kumite champion taunts Frank with a saying “brick don’t hit back.” The way Frank fought in the Kumite is extraordinary; he would finish each opponent with artistic facial impressions and grunts. Chun Li faced Frank’s friend about halfway through the Kumite and puts him in the hospital for a head injury. Frank plans to honor his friend and fights Chun Li where they finally met in the arena. Chun Li fought to win but Frank Dux fought to honor. Chun Li used many options to weaken Frank Dux, such as blinding him with dust or sand, but Frank Dux eventually fought with his eyes closed and looked back to his old training days where he would fight blinded. This fight is one of the artistry of honor versus the utility of function and action, which Chun Li embodies. (

Shidoshi Dux’s style has been recognized and profoundly called a unique contribution to the martial arts world community. His techniques, being empirically tested, not theorized has allowed him to establish a specialized, practical, and realistic system of self-defense that is so easily learned and reflective. Frank Dux’s rich experience and skillful abilities bring a special quality to his instructors and students. His students are instilled with self-discipline and practical techniques to meet and surpass any real potential threat. Law Enforcement and Special Warfare units worldwide have sought his service. He earned the coveted title of “Knight Chevalier,” awarded by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Miami, Florida. He has also been inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Dux has also been the author and contributor for the U.S. Navy SEAL Special Operations Manual.

Frank Dux created Dux Ryu, the first American system of Ninjitsu. Dux Ryu Ninjitsu is the most unique martial artS in the world. It stresses character development, self-confidence, self-discipline, physical conditioning and a system of self-defense that remains un-equalled in it's efficiency for two thousand years. For centuries its teachings were kept an ancient guarded secret, reserved only for police and government officials. Dux Ryu Ninjitsu’s self-defense teachings, unlike Kung Fu or Karate, are geared to the individual, thus the individual progress is faster, finding personal self-defense practical for today’s threats and builds around one’s own strengths and weaknesses.

Dux Ryu Ninjitsu, has taught Frank Dux to adapt, improvise, and change his fighting in order to dominate in his fights. “His system of triangulation and angles of attack helped him defeat tradition linear of circular movement styles. He is a qualified instructor in twenty-two disciplines and was the inspiration for the movie Bloodsport. ( Shidoshi Dux did not unearth Dux-Ryu so that it could be used in aggression; it is used to bring the best features in a person to life and to bring ones character to perfection.

Frank Dux has many Dux Ryu gyms throughout the United States and possibly the world. In his gym located in Beverly Hills, Ca Frank Dux strides through the group of students, correcting their pivots and side steps in the movement drill he is teaching. The instructors and students of his gym that I have met, share a zeal for the support of Shidoshi Dux and his astonishing style. Dux is currently trying to bring the Kumite to Pay-Per-View. He would make the Kumite on television look like the Ultimate Fighting Championships did when it was on Pay-Per-View Television.

From 1975 to 1980, Frank W. Dux resigned from fighting as the Undefeated Full Contact Kumite World Heavy Weight Champion. He broke four world records in a single tournament:

Most Consecutive Knockouts- 56
Fastest Knockout- 3.2 Seconds
Fastest Recorded Kick with Knockout- .72 M.P.H
Fastest Recorded Punch with Knockout- .12 Seconds

In addition to these records, Frank Dux still holds twelve unbroken world records as a martial artist. He has been the recipient of awards by numerous martial arts organizations for his overall excellence and teachings in Martial Arts. He instills his style in all his instructors who proudly wear the rare Dux Ryu Blackbelt and calls them “Sensei.”

Frank W. Dux is definitely an all around colorful character and hero of mine. He made many contributions to the Navy SEAL Spec War Manual, world record for breaking bulletproof glass, his exploits as a spy, and the many world records for fighting in the Kumite. He has also written a book where he considers himself “The Secret Man.” I believe that Frank Dux has broken these world records even though they sound far-fetched and impossible. The only record I would like to look into is his record of breaking bulletproof glass. Frank Dux is an amazing man and has lead a great life. He has a unique skill and is a great fighter. I think he should go back to fighting tournaments and even professional bouts; he probably does not want to go back because he is much older and has lost some of his magical touch. He aslo has his enjoyment of teaching at the dojo and retirement. Furthermore, Frank W. Dux has really been a great inspiration to me as a hero because I myself have been involved in Muay Thai Martial Arts and I will be leaving sometime after high school for the Navy SEALS.

Page created on 8/10/2004 8:48:45 AM

Last edited 8/10/2004 8:48:45 AM

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Related Links

Frank Dux-His Official Site - The Life of Frank Dux and His Martial Arts

Extra Info

MY HERO does not endorse acts of violence or films that promote the use of voilence as a means of resolving conflict. This essay about Frank W. Dux was written by Steven A. Haim-Giovanni and represents his point of view.

After reading this essay you may want to reflect on How Do We Choose Our Heroes? Then add your thoughts to this forum.


OF THIS WEB PAGE Steven A. Haim-Giovanni ...

Frank Dux vs. Jean-Claude Van Damme

Frank Dux was involved in a controversy with his best friend Jean-Claude Van Damme. “His notoriety was just heating up when he sued the man who portrayed him, Jean-Claude Van Damme, in October of 1988. The animosity was out between the two and it flared up as Van Damme denied preventing Dux from receiving credit for his work on “The Kumite.” Van Damme and Dux were both friends—after all, it was the role of Frank Dux that captured Van Damme to stardom. Their friendship turned sour as Van Damme’s promises of allowing Dux jobs as martial arts choreographer and fight trainer on the movies Lion Heart and Double Impact. The last straw for Frank Dux was the release of the movie The Quest. The Quest was considered the best martial arts movie ever. The Quest was supposed to be called The Kumite it would revisit the story line laid out by Bloodsport but is time with real locations, real budgets, and Van Damme’s then-proven for power.

Dux says that Van Damme failed to live up to an oral agreement to pay him 2.5 percent of the gross revenue from The Kumite. Dux also signed a separate deal to write the script for The Kumite, but the movie was never made because it production company went bankrupt. Another writer re-worked the script and when Van Damme subsequently starred in a similar movie The Quest Dux did not receive the screenwriting credits and filed suit for breach of oral contract. Universal Studios produced this film, Van Damme starred in it, but Frank Dux got nothing except the $50,000 he was paid for the script of The Kumite. Many issues were covered in the court case and Van Damme said, “I never stopped credit for Frank Dux, I never swear to God, took a name off a credit. You bring in someone to say that.” Van Damme was forced by the Court Systems of California to pay Dux and Van Damme said he would have preferred to use the money he spent on the suit to help the poor people. “I was paying a quarter of a million dollars on this lawsuit, I can help people, I have a foundation… I would like to give the money to people on the street.”

Before Van Damme came to the stand, Dux testified that he expected Van Dammed to pay for his services on The Kumite. During re-cross examination, Van Dmme’s attorney, Martin Singer, asked Dux about the definition of gross points. Singer asked Dux if he and Van Damme had considered how gross revenues were going to be calculated and whether they included only theater ticket sales or also included cable revenue and videotape sales and rentals. Dux said he and Van Damme did not discuss their agreement in such fine detail. He said he assumed gross points meant “the whole shebang.”

Dux rested his case after an employee from Behavior Worldwide, which handled the foreign distribution for The Quest, testifying that the movie made approximately $20 million outside the United States. Judge James Kaddo denied the defense’s motion for a directed verdict but ruled that Van Damme cannot be held liable for the $50,000 Dux was not paid for the screenwriting credits on The Quest. Van Damme is still liable for his alleged promise of gross points.

I do not have much to say about this lawsuit. There are always many different opinions and sides to these types of cases. I believe Frank Dux was a bit greedy on his part he did not have to take every little penny possible. He was going to receive a lot of money no matter what. The past is the past and that is between Van Damme and Frank Dux.


Author Info

MY HERO does not endorse any acts of violence or films that promote the use of voilence as a means of resolving conflict. This essay about Frank W. Dux was written by Steven A. Haim-Giovanni and represents his point of view.

After reading this essay you may want to reflect on How Do We Choose Our Heroes? Then add your thoughts to this forum.