My Hero Learning Circle - Middle School - May 2011
Wonderful stories, art and films from middle school students around the world.
My Hero Learning Circles is an online global exchange that has My Hero partnered with Teachers and students from around the world learn about each others cultures, communities, countries and of course, their heroes. The world is brought into each of their classrooms and their classrooms into the world. Thank you to all the hard working teachers that took part in this middle school My Hero Learning Circle. We began with 6 teachers and classes from USA, Belarus, Ukraine, Canada and Nepal. It was a challenging time with the global weather causing many schools to close for days at a time, as well as Nepal dealing with 14 hour rolling blackouts. But we still had a great exchange and interaction with teachers and students and the Organizer pages below share some wonderful heroes with this circle and the world. We look forward to working with all of you again. Have a great summer. Cheers, Wendy Jewell, Facilitator, My Hero Learning Circles.