My hero, Abraham Lincoln, stopped a bad thing in history. “I have always hated slavery, I think as much as any abolitionist” said Abraham Lincoln. This is just how I felt about slavery even though slavery still exists today and more than 27 million people in the world are still in slavery of some kind. Many people from places around the world are trafficking people every year into the United States and other countries.
Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12, 1809. He was raised at Hardin County, Kentucky in a house that only had 1 room inside. Abraham Lincoln’s family was very poor. Abraham Lincoln was self educated. He was an avid reader and he studied mathematics, literature, and also law. Abraham Lincoln lived with his mother, father, and his sister. When Abraham Lincoln was only 9 years old a tragedy happened. His mother died because of milk sickness. Milk sickness is when cattle or cows eat plants that are poisonous and when you drink the milk you get sick. After when she died Abraham Lincoln’s father married another woman named Sarah Bush Johnston. Later, Abraham Lincoln’s sister died when she was giving birth to a child.
Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist. The word abolitionist means that a person is against slavery. Abraham Lincoln was trying to find out a way to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln’s first obstacle was confronting the Constitution. (The Constitution did not mention slavery as most of the Founders were against it.) In the Emancipation Proclamation he
My hero was influenced by an 11 year old girl named Grace Bell. The girl sent Abraham Lincoln a letter letting Abraham Lincoln know that he should grow a beard. She sent him saying that because she thought if he grew a beard he would get more votes to become President of the United States of America.
My hero, Abraham Lincoln, had done some heroic actions when he was the President of the United States of America. He led the Union to war so that he could stop the southern states from being separated from the United States. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to stop the slavery in the states that rebelled against the United States. My hero accomplished many other things also. My hero signed the Homestead Act in 1862 which awarded 16 acres across to settlers who agreed to farm land for 5 years. He also created the Emancipation Proclamation which was a bill that that freed the slaves from slavery. Abraham Lincoln also created a speech called “The Gettysburg Address.” My hero has character traits that describe him very well. My hero, Abraham Lincoln has traits that display him as determined, helpful, and honest. My hero, Abraham Lincoln, is determined because when he was trying to run for Senate, Congress, Legislature, Speaker of the Legislature, and Vice President he lost, but he never gave up and that is why he became the President of the United States of America.
My hero is also helpful because he helped the slaves get freed from slavery. Abraham Lincoln is honest. Abraham Lincoln is honest because when he gave the wrong cost for something a lady bought he got extra change. Then when he realized his mistake he went to give back the extra change she gave him. He had to walk miles and finally when he got to her house Abraham Lincoln gave the extra change to the lady. Abraham Lincoln is also honest because of his nickname” Honest Abe.”
I would consider my hero, Abraham Lincoln, a hero because he helped free the slaves from slavery. Abraham Lincoln influences me by his actions he had made. Abraham Lincoln also showed me to never give up on your dream to be something. When I learned that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and ended slavery it made me change into a better person. When a lady gave him extra change he didn’t just keep it he went to give the lady back the extra change. This action made me an honest person. I chose Abraham Lincoln as my hero because he did a lot of work so that he could make a difference in the United States. This is why I chose Abraham Lincoln as my hero.
Page created on 6/25/2011 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 6/25/2011 12:00:00 AM