
Dr. Ali Shariati

by Zahra from Kashan

My hero is Dr. Ali Shariati who was a writer and in his life always searches for a way to help poor people.He is my hero because I learned a lot about life from him and his life. He never passed any criticisms and always fought for freedom.

Now I want to tell you a little about his biography: He was an Iranian revolutionary and sociologist, who focused on the sociology of religion. He is held as one of the most influential Iranian intellectuals of the 20th century and has been called the ideologue of the Iranian Revolution.

Here are some of his books: Hajj (The Pilgrimage) Marxism and Other Western Fallacies: An Islamic Critique Where Shall We Begin? Mission of a Free Thinker The Free Man and Freedom of the Man Extraction and Refinement of Cultural Resources Martyrdom (book) Ali An approach to Understanding Islam A Visage of Prophet Muhammad A Glance of Tomorrow's History Reflections of Humanity A Manifestation of Self-Reconstruction and Reformation Selection and/or Election Norouz, Declaration of Iranian's Livelihood, Eternity Expectations from the Muslim Woman Horr (Battle of Karbala) Abu-Dahr.

And the most beautiful book that he wrote is: FATEME. 

In the book, Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, is described as a role model for Muslim women around the world. He describes Fatima as a manifestation and a symbol of the way and an essential direction of 'Islamic thought'. He states that even in the ever changing world in which people's views towards life constantly change, as a role model Fatima can still be looked up to by women around the world. (

His sayings are very effective that could change my life: One of them that gave me power is this: IF I BECOME LONELY, PERSON OF GOD IS WITH ME

Page created on 4/19/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/19/2013 12:00:00 AM

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