
Ernest Hemingway

by Brannon from San Diego

Ernest was very widely known throughout the years for his incredible adventures, bombastic lifestyle and marvelous stories/ novels that closely portray his life experiences. He has demonstrated himself as a tenacious and bold character through his war efforts, and many expeditions out into the sea, which also prove to be very prevalent in his works. His gritty and realistic style of storytelling serve as a vessel for his ideals and reflections, & are an inspiration to many who have experienced his stories and other writings.

Young Ernest Hemingway
Unknown author / [Public Domain] via Wikimedia

Since a young age Ernest has familiarized himself with a very brazen way of living. As an article from the Gale database says "Perhaps to a larger degree than that of any other twentieth-century writer, criticism of Hemingway's work has been colored by his own mythic persona. Indeed, he helped promote his larger-than-life reputation as a robust, belligerent American hero who sought to experience violence as well as write about it". At youth Ernest has encountered many different experiences in life which all contribute to his bombastic and bigger than life way of living. He has came into contact with so many different walks of life, therefore he has grown to respect many different ways of living from around the world. He simply sees someone for who they are and what they come from, not what they might look like. At the age of eighteen Ernest enlisted in the army to serve alongside the Allies against Austria and Germany. During his time in the military Ernest served mostly as a Red Cross ambulance driver, until he suffered a shrapnel explosion wound to both legs whilst supplying friendly soldiers on the frontline with medicine, food and munitions. Ernest was rewarded greatly for his sacrifice and from it was granted a leave from the service as well as a Purple Heart for his injury and bravery in combat.

Soon after his return to the states he was praised and recognized by friends and family for his nobility. However such joy was temporarily overshadowed by his failed relationship with a lover of his, along with the unstable relationship he held with his family. So from there he had taken it upon himself to pursue writing and a life of journalism, thus setting out to taste the spice of variety in a multitude of fresh surroundings. After going on safaris to Africa and settling in Madrid for some time, Ernest found that his heart lay deep within Cuba. Out of all the places he had traveled, Cuba had resonated with him the most. During his stay there Ernest had caught wind of the US entering World War II, therefore he enlisted in the military once more, outfitting his fishing boats with weapons suitable for eliminating German U-Boats. Such action is a great display of courage and fearlessness. Even though he was spending time off in Cuba to pursue his hobbies and life a relaxed life, he still saw it as his duty to go out and serve for his country.

Ernest Hemingway
Unknown author / [Public Domain] via Pixabay

Although Ernest never came into contact with any German submarines, he was still rewarded for his service. Afterwards he returned to what he found the most passion in, deep-sea fishing. He spent at least 22 years in Cuba due to his everlasting endearment for its beautiful shores and bustling towns. "Hemingway seemed to spend more time fishing in Cuba or hunting in Wyoming or Montana than writing. Hemingway's exploits and tumultuous personal life made him good copy for newspapers and magazines."(Oliver) Ernest never seemed to shy away from new and bold experiences. He loved these new experiences so much, that he couldn't help but to write about them whilst subliminally adding himself into the works. His most prevalent story The Old Man and the Sea, recounts his time spent fishing for marlin in Cuban waters. The story upholds a message of perseverance, determination and hope, a very inspiring story which was crafted from the hands of someone who had been slandered by life one too many times.

Ernest proved himself as an inspiration to many others and made an impact in the world of literature with his marvelous storytelling and amazing portrayal of characters within his fictions. He never shied away from a fight and upheld a spectacular level of bravery and courage for all to admire. As stated by Oliver Smith, the founder of the Hemingway collection website "Ernest Hemingway became America's most famous and recognizable writer, combining literary genius with a life of action. He may have been more widely celebrated as a sportsman, warrior, traveler, and drinker than as a literary figure. In fact, it has been frequently remarked that Hemingway's greatest fictional character was Hemingway."

Page created on 7/22/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/20/2020 5:20:17 PM

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Related Links

The Nobel Prize - Ernest Hemingway biography
Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum - Hemingway's home in Key West