

by Kaitlyn from Riley

What words do you associate with firefighters? Do you think of Dalmatians or do you think about the big trucks and all the equipment that comes with it? But firefighting is so much more. Yes they did use dogs in the early days to run alongside of the horses to protect their legs from other dogs that would try and bite the horses' legs while transporting the equipment. Firefighters are valiant because they have dangerous jobs, they are always helpful and they are always working to get better at their jobs.

Many firefighters lose their lives everyday doing what they do. There are over 5 different classes of fire: there is oil, metal, gasses or liquids and hazmat. Hazmat (hazardous material) is one of the most dangerous kinds of fire. It can be a chemical fire because it can spread over a large area and it is very hard to put out. Structure fires are also one of the most common fires because it is a building or a house. Houses are made of wood, installation, material and cleaners that fires love to consume. Grass fires are one of fire types that spread really fast because almost everything in its path is flammable, like trees and other things.

Firefighters also have other community jobs than just firefighting. A lot of them are policemen, EMTS and other community jobs. Over half of the firefighters are volunteers so they often give up stuff in their lives to do their job. They sacrifice their family, and a lot of times their jobs that they work, to go fight fires.

They are always trying to get better at their jobs. At least once a week or once a month they have training. There are classes and certain licenses to become chiefs, chief assistants and to become trainers. There are hundreds of different classes that are put on by different colleges, associations and other training instructors. There are also a lot of maintenance that they have to do on the trucks and equipment to keep them nice and up to date.

A Fireman's Prayer

When I am called to duty, God, whenever flames may rage;
Give me strength to save some life, whatever be its age.

Help me embrace a little child before it is too late
Or save an older person from the horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout,
And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me.
To guard my every neighbor and protect his property.

And if, according to my fate, I am to lose my life;
Please bless with your protecting hand, my children and my wife.

Page created on 11/3/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/3/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Extra Info

Dear Firefighters,
Many a night I have listened to the alarm go off to summon you to a fire call. I have listened to hear if it was a house or a grass fire. I have listened to you rushing around to get ready and go. As I heard you leave I wondered when you would be back and how long the fire would take to put out. I prayed for your safety and that you would be home soon. A lot of the time when I would watch you leave you would return in five minutes, but the fear of you not ever returning never left my mind. In many people's minds your are just another firefighter but in mine you are a hero. You are my hero in more ways than one. When you leave for that fire it hits close to home. Mom, Dad you have always been my heroes but with you both being firefighters you are my true heroes.
Love, Kaitlyn