
Ginny White

by Taylor from Mission Viejo

“Be the best you can be!”
Ginny White (
Ginny White (

My hero is my Mom; she is a Senior Executive for International Education Corporation. When I first became aware she was my hero, I was in 5th grade. A lot of events have happened and I knew that she was my hero. She is the most enthusiastic, happy, ready to go, person I have ever met. There is not one person like her, she is her own person and that’s what attracts me most about her. She is such a great person inside and out, and can make almost everyone she meets feel like a million bucks! I want to be just like my mom when I am older. She is definitely my personal hero.

Ginny White is a Senior Executive. What she does in her field is she oversees a chain of colleges. Ginny White went to Pepperdine University and got a degree in bachelor of science. She helps many people succeed in what they do. The education and training requirements are to have a college degree and to work well with others. The salary is very high. The outlook of what she does is so amazing. She loves everything she does, and loves seeing people excel in what they plan to do in the near future.

How Ginny entered her career was she loved helping others. Even when she was a little girl she always did tasks for people. What traits you would need to do the job would be having great communication with others, also, to work extremely hard and put 120% into everything you do. Her success and involvements in her youth were being involved with the school and trying to be the best she can be. The path Ginny followed is unbelievable, she wanted to like what she did for living, and she didn’t want to dread getting up in the morning and going to work hating it. Ginny wanted a career she would love and enjoy doing! For her the field she is in now, is the best ever! She loves everything about this, and she wants to excel even more in the future!

Ginny White has helped many people, and for those who know her know what I am talking about. She is the most jovial person and has a $100 smile! Everyone worships her in her career; they like working with someone like my mom! So I just wanted to say my personal hero is the most phenomenal person, in being a mom, and in what she does as a hard working senior executive.

The steps I want to take to be like Ginny would be to have the dedication to do something. In high school I would love to get involved in my school, I want to make my high school experience a good one! I want to take the right classes for me, and I want to be the best I can be in everything I do! My college goals are to work extremely hard for me, not for anyone else! I want to go to college and get a degree and I know that’s what I will do! My lifetime goals would be to love what I do for my career, to have wonderful children, and to have a great life living and loving every single second of it.

Page created on 4/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/2/2009 12:00:00 AM

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