
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

by Josh from Windsor

Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. giving his speech (
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. giving his speech (

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. followed his dream even with all the mental abuse from whites against his campaign. Martin was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. MLK married Coretta Scott in 1953. He also got his PH D in 1955 and became a pastor at Dexter Avenue Church. The same year, he became a pastor but he had to move close to the church in Montgomery, Georgia. King has helped stop segregation by boycotting and standing up for his people’s rights. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for his rights since December 5th, 1955. Although racism still exists, Martin Luther King helped most people understand that you shouldn't segregate people and to treat each other as equal individuals.

He stood up for his rights so he could get blacks and Latinos and anybody else who wasn't white to have the same opportunities as white people. MLK’s most famous speech was “I Have a Dream.” His speech was in front of hundreds of thousands of people that wanted equal rights. All protesters gathered in Washington D.C to see the famous Martin Luther King. All the people that heard the speech gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He wanted blacks and whites to go to the same school, use the same bathroom, drink out of the same water fountain and play together as friends.

Martin Luther King became Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1963. Wherever Martin went, people who were against the protest criticized his rights and his beliefs. In late 1963 King created a “Poor People Campaign” designed to talk about or confront economic issues. The following year, supporting striking sanitation workers in Memphis listened to King deliver his final speech called “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” He gave this speech because he was talking about what the people wanted to do to end racism.

The next day Martin Luther King was assassinated in April 4th, 1963. Till this day Martin Luther King has been recognized as an African American symbol that has opened doors to all African American people and people that were considered African American. He has opened equal rights to all colored people. Now whites and blacks and other nationalities go to the same school and learn in the same room.

Martin Luther is a hero to me because he has influenced me to pursue my dream and never give up. He has let me go to the same stores and parks as the people that were against every ethnicity that weren’t like them. He also influenced me to never give up.

Page created on 4/22/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/22/2008 12:00:00 AM

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"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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