
Madres of Plaza de Mayo

by Matias from Buenos Aires

The Madres of Plaza de Mayo
The white shawl of the Mothers, their Logo. (
The white shawl of the Mothers, their Logo. (

Some history about the Madres

The “Madres of plaza de Mayo” are an association, which tries to find the people who disappeared during the last military government in Argentina, and go on trial with the people who made them disappear. The victims are 30,000. On April 30th 1977 in Buenos Aires, was born the first peaceful manifestation of the Madres, because they were asking to discuss with the president Videla about their missing children.

At first, they stayed standing, they didn’t walk but, it was forbidden to be in a big group so, they started to walk in pairs around the Pyramid of Mayo as a symbol of freedom. They also wore a white shawl as a symbol of the missing babies; by now it is their logo.

During the 1978 world cup in Argentina, the Madres were interviewed by outsiders, like Netherlands’s journalists. Then they became recognized on the rest of the world. Netherlands’s women sent the Madres some money so they could buy a place where they gather (round).

Between 1978 and 1979, the Madres of Plaza de Mayo started to make trips to the USA and Europe to inform about the offences that the military government had done until that moment. By 1980, the idea of a constant searching of the people dead or alive appeared into the minds of the Madres.

Picture about the Madres in the Plaza de Mayo (
Picture about the Madres in the Plaza de Mayo (

They are the perfect example of bravery. They taught us how to put our lives in danger just to save the persons we care about. And they put their loving babies in the most important place so they sacrificed themselves to know the truth and to save them from oblivion. The country and his people are more important than power is the argument I learnt from them. There isn’t a nobler cause than this. Their love destroys the fear and the power of the military people, so I’m really proud about the Madres and what they have done.

Publicity from The Madres (
Publicity from The Madres (

"No one can tell us what happened with our sons, so we can´t accept their death!" Hebe de Bonafini, who is one of the creators of this institution and who represents the Madres.

Page created on 6/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

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