
Manuel Belgrano

by Débora from Buenos Aires

Manuel José Joaquin del Corazon de Jesus Belgrano was born in Buenos Aires, in 1770 and he was baptized in the Buenos Aires Cathedral one day after. He was an Argentine economist, lawyer, politician and military leader.

His father was Italian and her mother was born in Santiago del Estero.

He was appointed secretary from the Consulado de Comercio de Bs. As. in 1794 and a few month later he came back to Buenos Aires. He served that position until shortly before the revolution.

For many years, he had a lot of problems with some traders because, in general, they refused Belgrano´s proposals. He accused them of thinking of themselves instead of the people.

Manuel Blegrano founded the Academy of Geometry and Drawing, and some schools, like the Arquitecture´s School.

He was one of the historical heroes who has promoted the education. He helped in the publication of the first newspaper, it was called “Telégrafo Mercantil” directed by Francisco Cabello y Mesa.

In 1810, he was part of the May Revolution, and he participated in the open forum on May 22.

On May 25, he was selected member of the Primera Junta de Gobierno, with another two men, Castelli and Paso.

He created the flag of Argentina on February 27, 1812. He was appointed the head of the Regimiento de Patricios but the members of it were not really cheerful, so they make a riot. To recompose the bad situation they send Belgrano to look after the Parana River, so there he raised the light-blue and white flag (it was used as a symbol of independence).

This man has cooperated in a lot of wars, campaigns and creations, but on June 20 - 1820, the end came and he died. In that moment the politic situation was horrible in the capital city; the only journalist that paid attention to his death was Castañeda.

Belgrano is considered one of the greatest heroes in Argentina´s History because people think that he managed to improve our future and to feel that we are really independent.

Page created on 9/6/2009 9:10:07 AM

Last edited 9/6/2009 9:10:07 AM

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