
Nelson Mandela

by Nikole from Windsor


"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." The meaning of this quote goes a lot further than just expressing a desire for freedom. Mandela is saying that freedom doesn't just mean that you have the right do certain things. He suggests, although you have the right to do what you please, at the same time you should respect others. For that reason I can call that man Nelson Mandela my hero.


This amazing man was born in a hut on July 18th, in South Africa. Growing up in South Africa, he realized that not everyone had the same freedoms. Throughout his life he has seen racism and hatred. He couldn't stand watching his people be treated like second-class citizens. Mandela was troubled watching this so he decided to do something about it. Mandela is an important person to the African race. He has so done so much that many people respect him. He was one of the leaders of the African National Congress and spoke out against racism. Also he helped oppose apartheid policies. No matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to budge, and this became an issue. In 1962 he was arrested because he abandoned his non-violent stance and began advocating acts of sabotage against the South African regime.

When he was released, he realized that violence would not solve anything. Even today when issues happen, violence only make things worse so he knew that he had to make a change. That alone has inspired me to stay positive even though, at times, things may not come out the way you want it to.


Nelson Mandela is not only a hero to me but to others he has helped and inspired. Mandela was no Martin Luther King or Malcolm X but a combination of the two. He brought these issues to a whole new level. He never minded going to jail as long as he knew that his people were gaining freedom. He was not going to sit around and let life go by watching people from the past, present, and future be treated like dirt. He wants to live seeing and knowing that his people will always be free.

Page created on 4/22/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/22/2008 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Tiscali.Reference - This is a reference website that includes information on Apatheid Policies.
South Africa - Country Profile - BBC