
Operation Trackshoes

by Kevin from Victoria

The Official Logo of Operation Trackshoes
The Official Logo of Operation Trackshoes

In the year 1971, Lieutenant Governor George Pearkes kicked off an event that would create great experiences for BC citizens with developmental disabilities. Operation Trackshoes is an organization that holds a sports festival every year at the University of Victoria that gives BC citizens with developmental disabilities the chance to have fun with sports. The sports festival is for all age groups and all abilities. The 43rd festival will occur in 2013. Operation Trackshoes is a solely volunteer run, non-profit event. The events at the festival include swimming, running, wheelchair races, tug of war, and basketball. Each competitor has a volunteer counsellor that assists them and accompanies them throughout the weekend. The weekend consists of a move-in day(competitors go to their dormitories on campus), an opening ceremony, one full day of events, a dance, and a half event day half closing ceremony day.

Operation Trackshoes was created 42 years ago for the purpose of "Providing a track, field and swim meet for British Columbians who have a developmental disability","tailoring events and activities for people of all ages and levels of ability", and "Creating a safe, integrated sports festival for all competitors and volunteers."

The sports festival has vastly changed over its 42 years. The first year it was only an afternoon event, but the next year it became an overnight event. The first overnight event accommodated 300 participants, but that wasn't enough. Everyone loved the overnight event so much they turned it into a two night event in 1973. In 1988 a record 900 competitors competed. Four years after that record attendance an integrated children's program was introduced. Now in 2012 the event is better than ever.

 ( (Operation Trackshoes))
( (Operation Trackshoes))

Operation Trackshoes gives people who would usually be in the crowd a chance to be on the field, playing. Sports are one of those magical things that can give people confidence and happiness and that is something everyone needs. The participants have developmental disabilities and because of their disabilities they are not usually the ones who are playing the game. Not everyone who plays sports can be good at it, but everyone can enjoy it.

Operation Trackshoes gives joy, friendships, and pride to competitors and volunteers alike. I have personally been able to witness the difference it makes for the competitors and volunteers. The friendships developed at Operation Trackshoes can last a lifetime. Joy at Operation Trackshoes is evident wherever you look, from seeing smiles on competitors faces after they finish a race to seeing the satisfaction on volunteers faces after the weekend is over. When the crowd cheers for the competitors the smiles on their face are as big as the moon. At the end of the day both competitors and volunteers get an exceptional memory of an entertaining weekend of companionship, hilarity, and pride.

42 years have past and Operation Trackshoes is still going strong. Operation Trackshoes has never missed a year. Their ability to last 42 years highlights their perseverance and how much everyone loves the event. Once a competitor goes to one festival you can expect them to keep on coming for years and years to come.There are some amazing volunteers and competitors that have been there since the very beginning. It doesn't matter what happens to this organization, it will continue to push forward.

What makes Operation Trackshoes great is that it is all about teamwork. Operation Trackshoes is kind of like a body. The volunteers are the bones, the competitors are the muscles, and the sponsors are the blood. The bones enable the muscles to work and the blood fuels the whole operation. Without the other nothing happens. Integral Sponsors of this great organization include McAdams Foundation, Chek News, 100.3 the Q, the University of Victoria, and Camosun College.

Some of the volunteers are quite inspiring. They have been volunteering for decades and the stories of their experiences are genuinely astonishing. The amount of volunteers volunteering is directly related to how many competitors are allowed to compete. This is why Operation Trackshoes is so dependent on their volunteers. There can never be too many volunteers. The great people who volunteer help make the experience for the participants over the top.

Operation Trackshoes is one of the most giving organizations in Victoria and in BC. It doesn't give money, it gives something that can affect someone's life even more. It gives life-long friendships, confidence, happiness, and the chance for people with developmental disabilities to compete. Henry Ford said, "Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Staying together is success."That quote sums up a big part about what Operation Trackshoes really is. In 1971 we came together as competitor and volunteer. As years past we have progressed and gotten better. And now after 42 years of staying together we have succeeded.

Page created on 12/27/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/27/2012 12:00:00 AM

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