
Rosa Parks

by Morgan from Loveland

Imagine a world that seems perfect but has a defect that only affects African Americans...Terrible. Well this place existed. African Americans were treated as if they were less than white. They had to have separate water fountains less than any white person. They had to sit at the back of the bus and if there were no more seats they had to give up theirs for a white person. That is where our story starts. The hero I chose is Rosa Parks, because she stood up for what she believed in no matter the cost. The three qualities are bravery, determination, and sacrifice.

She needed to show bravery even if the stakes  were really high... One day after work Rosa decided to take the bus and a white man wanted her seat but she denied him and said no. To this statement, the bus driver said I will have you arrested if you don't give him your seat. So Rosa was warned but she still rebelled even though she knew what would happen. With this Rosa Parks was arrested for standing up for a right she deserved.

In Rosa Parks situation she also showed determination because she was wholeheartedly determined to stay strong in what she was fighting for. I know this because she didn't give up even as all the tables were turning. Also Rosa was warned like I said already that she would be arrested but she decided trying to show people that a fight in which she did not. During this time when she was arrested, she fought strong against racial segregation.

African Americans being equal was more important to her then moving so she wouldn't be arrested. The time was not for her to put up a fight. For the final quality I am going to talk about for Rosa Parks is sacrifice. As a married woman Rosa was arrested leaving her husband troubled while she sat in a jail cell. When she was arrested she had a job as a seamstress and lost that job after her arrest. The reason she did all of this is so she could try to stop racial segregation.

Page created on 3/5/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/5/2015 12:00:00 AM

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