
Steven Spielberg

by Sophie from San Diego

Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg once said "I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living." Steven began to show outstanding talents with a strong imagination and a great passion for arts at an early age. Steven's family encouraged and supported him in doing what he loved which happened to be filmmaking. "Arnold Spielberg had a little 8mm movie camera. The family often went camping, and he would record the trips on film. Finally, his dad told Steven that he ought to film the movies himself if he thought he could do so much better." (Sirimarco, Elizabeth). Stevens's father, Arnold, encouraged Steven into filmmaking by giving him a camera and letting Steven make movies, and he enjoyed it. "Filmmaking was no longer just a hobby. By the age of twelve, Steven was already serious about making a career for himself as a movie director." (Sirimarco, Elizabeth). Twelve year old Steven Spielberg began to push himself to look deeper into the film industry. A hero never gives up; they work hard and are determined to succeed. If they do not know where to begin they will find a way. Through Steven Spielberg's accomplishments in numerous award-winning movies he exudes a persona both hard-working and determined.

Spielberg strived for greatness and  constantly pushed himself at a young age. Steven has a great imagination, which he incorporated into his films and the way he presented them. "When Steven was young he often charged admission for home movies, while his sister Annie sold popcorn. At the age of 12 Spielberg finished his first script. At the age of 13 he won a prize for his 40-minute war movie." (WriteWork). Steven understood that filmmaking was what he wanted to do with his life and due to his hard work; he reached his dream sooner. Spielberg began at almost nothing and slowly climbed his way up to creating movies and producing his own scripts. Steven really cared about getting a career in filmmaking, that he took the time to get further information. "Spielberg began pushing his way into the film industry when he was about 18. During summer vacation, he took the studio tour at Universal Pictures." ("Steven Spielberg"). At this time in Spielberg's life he needed to motivate himself more if he wanted to succeed, he needed advice from professionals. Steven spent a lot of time at Universal; he was trying to get himself out there and get others to view his films. Becoming part of the exclusive film industry and becoming known was the first step.

Spielberg was determined to get into the film industry and because of his ambition; he started to live the dream. Steven's high school grades were not so good (he was later diagnosed with dyslexia); but even without a great education, Steven still began to succeed in his filmmaking. "Since his high school grades were not good enough for acceptance into film school, Spielberg became a student at California State College (now University), Long Beach; he still found time, however, to spend three days a week on the Universal Studios lot, asking executives to view his films." ("Steven Spielberg"). For many students attending college, education should be a top priority. For Steven, his films were at that same level because he was determined to get further in his career. Even with a tight schedule, trying to fit in study time for his education, Spielberg still found the time to visit Universal and talk to executives about his films. At that time in Steven's life more people knew him, he was getting out there. "Spielberg was essentially self-taught, spending three days a week during college hanging around the Universal lot, observing and hobnobbing. His last amateur film, the short Amblin' (1968), won him a directing contract at Universal" ("Steven Spielberg"). Steven's hard work begun to pay off, all those times he went to visit Universal to observe, to talk to people, helped him get somewhere in the film industry. Spielberg had made many films and one of his short films won him a directing contract, and because of that his dream was beginning. Starting at nothing, just making movies at home at a young age had lead Steven to Universal where his dream began.

Steven Spielberg exudes a persona both hard-working and determined through his accomplishments in numerous award-winning movies. Steven always found the time to work on getting closer to his dream. But that was not good enough to Steven, he wanted more. He went to Universal three times a week, trying to get as many people as he could to view his films. Now all of that has paid off, he is a success. When Steven was younger he would get bullied and would have a difficult time in school socially. "From an early age, Spielberg was forced to overcome his fear of standing out and of being different. His years at Saratoga High School, which he calls "the worst of my life", exposed Spielberg to much anti-Semitic sentiment. The family had recently moved into this affluent San Francisco suburb, where Spielberg found he did not fit in." ("Steven Spielberg"). He had a difficult childhood and was bullied at school but he still stayed strong. Whenever Steven made his movies he would be himself, get away from his life at school and get into his life in filmmaking. He did not let bullies and being different get in the way of achieving his dream. Steven Spielberg, just like any other person, had a dream. He began at nothing and pushed his way to success. He is proof that anyone else who has a dream can achieve it; they just need that little push to get them started. 

Works Cited

Sirimarco, Elizabeth. "Chapter 2: The Big Break." Steven Spielberg (2001): 18. Biography Reference Center. Web. 9 May 2012.

Sirimarco, Elizabeth. "Chapter 1: "I'm Going To Make Movies." Steven Spielberg (2001): 7. Biography Reference Center. Web. 3 May 2012.

"Steven Spielberg." Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 24. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 9 May 2012.

"Steven Spielberg." Steven Spielberg (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 9 May 2012.

"Steven Spielberg." St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 9 May 2012.
WriteWork contributors. "Biography on Steven Spielberg (1038 Words)", 09 June, 2004. Web. 09 May. 2012.

Page created on 8/12/2015 7:07:00 PM

Last edited 2/24/2021 11:11:50 PM

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Related Links

Steven Spielberg - DreamWorks Studios