
Tony Hawk

by Harley from New York

Tony Hawk (
Tony Hawk (

Tony Hawk is a hero because he made skateboarding a huge sport. Tony Hawk is the best skate boarder in the world. He inspires kids all over the world to skate board and to be creative and make new tricks. Tony’s nickname is Birdman because his last name is Hawk like the fiercest bird. Also he flies through the air doing tricks.

Tony Hawk was born May 12, 1968 in San Diego, California. Tony Hawk’s parent’s names are Frank & Nancy Hawk. Tony has two older sisters, Pat and Lenore and one older brother Steve. When Tony was 9 years old his older brother lent him a fiber skate board called a banana board. The banana board is much skinnier than the boards today. Tony Hawk played other sports but none of them satisfied him like skate boarding. Frank Hawk started two skate boarding leagues. One of them was the (NSA), which stands for national skateboarding association. Steve Hawk showed Tony how to stand on a skate board. Tony learned many new tricks. One was called an Ollie. An Ollie is where a rider pushes down on the skate board, and then bounces up into the air and the rider on it. Tony started to practice a lot each day. When he was 11 years old he entered his first contest. This lead to his wonderful future.

Tony Hawk has challenges and problems. He failed many contests. It made him work even harder and made him more- determined to win. Because of all his daring tricks he broke his two front teeth, his finger, and his elbow. He needed to get better because all of the things he broke. When Tony got divorced he got set back from skateboarding because the divorce took a while to go through. Because of all these challenges and problems Tony Hawk couldn’t skateboard.

This paragraph is about all of Tony Hawk’s contributions. Tony Hawk started the Tony Hawk Foundation. It has given over 2.7 million dollars to towns and cities for skate parks.

Tony Hawk's traits are: he is hard working, inspirational, and determined. He is hard working because he works hard at making new tricks. Tony is inspirational and determined because he practices a lot and wants to get better. He inspires people to skateboard and to create new tricks.

Tony hawk earned many awards, honors, and recognitions. He was asked by Powell Peralta to design a signature board. He appeared on commercials, boxes and book marks. In 1984, 1985, 1986 he won the NSA championship. As you can see, Tony Hawk has many awards.

Page created on 2/5/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/5/2009 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

The Tony Hawk Foundation - Supporting youth and public skateparks.