The MY HERO Project | Library

Journey through Heartsongs

By Mattie J. T. Stepanek

Publisher: Hyperion, January 2002
ISBN: 0786869429
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.


Mattie’s second book offers five chapters of poetry and finger paintings – Beginning the Journey, Considering the Journey, Coping with the Journey, Celebrating the Journey, and Growing Beyond the Journey – as well as a foreword by Former President Jimmy Carter. This book, which contains poetry Mattie wrote when he was 3 to 10 years of age, was recommended by Oprah Winfrey and became a #1 New York Times Bestseller.



From the Publisher
The award-winning poetry of young Mattie Stepanek has touched the lives of hundreds and thousands of people. Mattie writes movingly and courageously about life and death, love and loss, faith and hope, innocence and joy. His struggle with a rare form of muscular dystrophy has given him wisdom and insight, and his life, work, and message have been recognized by appearances on Oprah, The Today Show, and Good Morning America, and profiles in The Washington Post and The New York Times. Share with Mattie, poet and peacemaker, and begin your own Journey Through Heartsongs.

User Reviews:
Morgan | 3/31/2010 9:36 AM
The book is so beautiful. THat boy was a gifted wonderful child. Im only 11 myself but wow. My mom cried when reading one of his poems.
kyla | 11/8/2009 2:09 AM
taylor strang | 5/8/2008 1:51 AM
i love your book. it tells all about life and how life can be described. your a great poet
MELISSA SMITH | 2/14/2006 5:28 AM
he is my cheerer upper when im sad i read his books he is a great writer i love his work i love the poem speical things, about angels; and unanswered questions he really is my hero i love you mattie
magda | 1/7/2006 1:16 AM
God bless you, Mattie. You are one of the most wonderful kids i've ever known. Your poems are so beautiful. Your poems really inspired me.
Alexandria Booones | 11/28/2005 12:50 AM
the poems i had read by you are very special.
lillian | 9/1/2005 9:18 AM
i think your poems are so special and i love them!

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