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Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

By Lester R. Brown

Publisher: Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc., January 2006
ISBN: 0393328317
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
In this new edition, Lester Brown outlines a survival strategy for our early twenty-first civilization. The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising temperatures, falling water tables, shrinking forests, melting glaciers, collapsing fisheries, and rising sea levels. In Plan B, Lester R. Brown notes that in ignoring nature's deadlines for dealing with these environmental issues we risk the disruption of economic progress.

In addition to these environmental trends, the world faces the peaking of oil, the addition of 70 million people per year, a widening global economic divide, and the spread of international terrorism. The global scale and growing complexity of issues facing our fast-forward world have no precedent.

With Plan A, business as usual, we have neglected these issues so long that the only effective response now is a World War II-type mobilization such as after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

User Reviews:
Cabbie Glass | 3/4/2006 1:33 PM
"Lester Brown tells us how to build a more just world and save the planet from climate change in a practical, straightforward way. We should all heed his advice." –President Bill Clinton

“A great book which should wake up humankind!” –Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

"An enormous achievement—a comprehensive guide to what's going wrong with earth's life support system and how to fix it." –Grinning Planet

“A quantum jump forward from the original. And the original was damn good.” –Peter Goldmark, former Editor, International Herald Tribune

“Your visionary activism over decades is greatly appreciated.” Denis Goulet, Professor Emeritus, O'Neill Chair in Education for Justice, University of Notre Dame

“…long overdue.” –Gilbert White

“Bravo!” –Herman Daly

Lester R. Brown is Founder and President of Earth Policy Institute. The Washington Post has called him "one of the world's most influential thinkers."


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