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The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe

By Stephen W. Hawking

Publisher: Phoenix Books, Incorporated, May 2006
ISBN: 9781597775083
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
The Theory of Everything is a unique opportunity to explore the cosmos with the greatest mind since Einstein. Based on a series of lectures given at Cambridge University, Professor Hawking introduces "the history of ideas about the universe" as well as today's most important scientific theories about time, space, and the cosmos in a clear, easy-to-understand way.

Professor Hawking transformed our view of the universe in his landmark bestselling book A Brief History of Time and most recently in the bestselling Universe in a Nutshell. Here he reviews ideas about the universe from Aristotle to Newton and Einstein, applying the principle of quantum mechanics to the big bang, black holes, and the universe's ultimate fate. He goes on to advance a "no boundary" theory of time and space that could lead to one unified theory and a true understanding of our universe. The Theory Of Everything presents the most complex theories, both past and present, of physics; yet it remains clear and accessible. It will enlighten readers and expose them to the rich history of scientific thought and the complexities of the universe in which we live.

User Reviews:
mason | 3/4/2008 5:34 AM
i might only be 13 years of age but i love all the wonders of science and the univers ur book is really cool...i study science ...well actualy physics at a college level and i just would like to know if u could  tell me more about the string thery and anti matter

We recommend that you read the MY HERO story about Clifford Johnson, a string theorist, and also check out the related links at the end of the story for more information about string theory.

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

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