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One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

By Dr. Seuss

Publisher: Random House
ISBN: 0394800133
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Illustrations in full color. A "fabulous book of easy words, exciting pictures and inviting rhythm."
User Reviews:
Destiny Outlaw | 5/29/2012 3:50 AM
I like Dr. Seuss BOOKS! My favorite one is "ONE FISH TWO FISH RED FISH BLUE FISH" I hope all litte kids and my age like the book to.
jessica jimenez | 10/8/2010 7:27 AM
im a big fan of you you are the best
| 3/18/2010 4:16 AM
tianna | 4/24/2008 1:37 AM
Ilike your little kids book.
Julia | 6/2/2007 9:51 PM
I really like every single one of your books
they are really funny
I have read every book you wrote
I will always remember from the day i was born to the day i die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shatiara johnson | 5/9/2007 4:26 AM
i really like your books.I think your books are really funny.
| 3/27/2006 6:10 AM
I think his books are so funny. I love reading. Espesially Dr. Seuss books.
| 2/2/2006 1:59 AM
I thought this was the best book ever! even as an older child now i still love these books!
SUESANNA | 10/6/2005 10:39 PM
i think that these books help people
learn alot !
Rebekah.Chambers | 10/6/2005 10:33 PM
I really loved theses books, and I think other kids will too.
Teresa Sanchez | 8/9/2005 1:24 AM
I have really enjoyed reading these books and I know other people think so too..
Sara Graham | 3/30/2004 12:57 AM
They are so fun to read even for adults like my parents.  When  I was little they would read them to me and not only did they entertain me, they entertained them too.
ashley terrell | 3/30/2004 12:54 AM
I love the way he can take one cat and make it exciting.
Axenia Waska | 3/2/2004 2:43 AM
I love Dr. Seuss books! They are funny and make alot of people laugh. My most favorite books are One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, The Cat in the Hat, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I hope all your kids like Dr.Seuss books just like I do!

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