The MY HERO Project | Library

Maria Von Trapp: Beyond the Sound of Music (Trailblazer Biography)

By Candice F. Ransom

Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group, March 2002
ISBN: 1575054442
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Introduces the people and procedures involved in foster care, and the feelings, reactions, and concerns of new foster children. Includes an afterword for caregivers.
User Reviews:
Jamie Moran | 1/25/2011 5:05 AM
I saw the movie "The Sound of Music " many times and I know for fact that they own a ski resort in Stowe, Vermont. Never been there, but ,Maria chose this area becuase it reminded her of the Swiss Alps.
Pasionaria Anic | 5/5/2008 9:30 AM
Ok, I have seen the Movie many times. But nowhere I did not find the fact, that family von Trapp owened the summer recidence in Pula /Pola Croatia. There villa stands still in my close neibourghood. Come and see!
TP rox! | 3/3/2008 5:30 AM
this really helped me for my report on famous people. love this book!
amy | 5/18/2007 1:57 AM
hey this was a good book

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