
Ralph and Rosemary Bowles

by Liliana from Quebec

Hello! My name is Liliana and I am 12 years old. My heroes are my grandparents. Their names are Rosemary and Ralph Bowles. The reason that they are my heroes is because they helped raise me. My grandfather was brave to fight in the war for four years, and my grandmother raised me like a real mom.

My grandparents are the best of all! My grandfather is a very brave man. He was in World War Two. He is always in a good humor and he won’t give up hope! About two years ago, he got his big intestine taken out and was on chemotherapy. He was ill, but held on and still held a smile on his face!

My grandmother is a wonderful person! She is like my second mom! She is a very generous person and she loves to have people over. She is extremely talented in cooking! My grandmother raised me when my parents worked. She always has a smile on her face and won’t let it fade!

My grandparents are extremely special to me! They definitely deserve the grand in grandparents!

Page created on 10/4/2004 12:16:50 PM

Last edited 10/4/2004 12:16:50 PM

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