My Hero South Callaway Elementary

5th Graders present essays and videos on their heroes


By: Hannah from Mokane
My Dad
By: Austin W from Mokane
Eric Frederick Mealy
By: Dakota from Fulton
By: Piper from Missouri
Cathy Gustafson: My Grandmother
By: Devin from Fulton

Martin Luther King Jr.

By: Ethan from Fulton

Jack Barnes

By: Wyatt from Fulton
Jason Paul Lallier
By: Jacob from Fulton

Malcom Leroy Buckner

By: Samuel from Mokane
Great Grandma Slaughter
By: Zoe from Mokane
Martin Luther King Jr.
By: Lane from Mokane


My hero is Ethan Limbach

By: Heidi Benningfield
My film is about my cousin Ethan Limbach who has leukemia.

My Hero - my grandpa

By: Hayley Stambaugh
My hero is my grandpa

My Hero Julie

By: Hailee P
My aunt Julie had breast cancer - she is my hero!

My mom is my hero

By: Alivia Andrews
My mom is my hero

My Grandma My Hero

By: Adah S
My Grandma is My Hero.

We enjoyed participating in the My Hero Project through the iEARN network.  Students had the opportunity to travel outside our small, rural community on a virtual trip around the world.  They gained insight into the lives of students from diverse backgrounds and found commonalities.  They engaged in an exchange of ideas and even small gifts with others across the ocean and learned about their differences and similarities.  

In reading about others' heroes from around the world and discussing their own beliefs about what makes someone a hero, the students discovered common threads running through the stories that many shared.  Many students around the word find their hero amongst their immediate family.  Individuals who are selfless and brave, kind and understanding and lead us to become better people are those we most often look up to and call our heroes.  

Organizer created on 12/4/2014 4:30:16 AM by Kathryn Zimmerman

Last edited 11/22/2019 2:31:53 AM by Anthony Pouw