My Hero, spring 2017,10th C form from Ion Creanga High School

Balti, Republic of Moldova

These students had a great experience being a part of MY HERO Global Leaning Circles and it was a pleasure for them to share about their own heroes. - Teacher - Irina Mutruc

5 Posters - One for Each of our Films about our HEROES

Our Short Films About OUR HEROES!

My Dad Is My Hero

Producer: Nadejda Ivantoc
My Dad is the person I admire and love. I am so proud of him.

My Dearest Grandmother

Producer: Elena Misina
From all the heroes that surround me, my grandmother is the dearest one!

My True Heroes

Producer: Anastasia Scerban
My friends are the ones I trust and admire. They are my heroes.

My Teachers Are My heroes

Producer: Valeria Jovmir
I am a lucky person because I have wonderful teachers.

My Hero my family

Producer: Fintina Ion
My hero is my family.

Organizer created on 5/18/2017 2:00:06 PM by Irina Mutruc

Last edited 11/22/2019 2:44:05 AM by Anthony Pouw