
Robert Munsch

by Brooklyn Cathers from Cochrane, Alberta Canada

’Writing is a bit like swimming.You learn writing by doing it and you learn swimming by doing it. Nobody learns how to swim by reading a book about swimming and nobody learns how to write by reading a book about writing. If you want to learn how to write, write a lot and you will get better at it.”
-Robert Munsch


150866Robert Munsch WebBy BrooklynWhy I chose this book is because Robert Munsch is a fun author to learn about. This book is a biography book. The book I chose covers him as a kid to an adult. Some facts about Robert Munsch are his books are about real kids and he is also Canadian!

150869Robert Munsch Portrait by Brooklynby Brooklyn

The famous Robert Munsh, was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States and moved to Canada in 1975. He grew up in Pennsylvania and got his Canadian citizenship in 1983. Robert Munsch grew up with 9 children in the house. Robert went to four different Universities. The first one was the University of Guelph, then in 1969 University of Fordham, and in 1971, Boston. The last University of Tufts in 1973. Robert Munsch loves to write in his free time and that’s what he is known for! When he was 12 Robert’s older brother kicked him in the face and the day after that he got his braces off.  He broke some of his front teeth and knocked him out.  Robert loved to write and some people don’t know that he also ran a daycare! Robert Munsch dreamed as a kid to be a writer.

Robert Munsch faced a condition called dementia and he had a stroke in 2008. Both of these unfortunate conditions had a big impact on his life. Robert kept writing despite having these diseases. In 1979 Robert Munsch released his first book called ’’Mud puddle’’. Robert ‘s qualities are, he is a great writer, he worked with kids at a daycare and he is a very successful person.  Robert Munsch has visited hundreds of schools and daycares for free, often without telling them he's coming. He and his wife have three adopted children. Robert Munsch won the Juno award for Children’s Album of the Year in 1985.                   


I was surprised that he adopted three kids: Andrew, Julie and Tyya. If I were to ask three questions I would ask why did you choose to be a writer of all the things you could be? Another question I would ask is would it be hard to write a lot of books? I would like to be Robert's kid because I feel he would give me lots of tips on writing. I learned that Robert grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Other people may not like this book because they would be reading about a writer. I am happy that I chose this book and I learned a lot of facts about Robert Munsch. I don’t think that I would consider Robert Munsch to be my hero and I would pick someone else. But he is still interesting to read about.      

Page created on 3/1/2023 4:13:49 PM

Last edited 3/3/2023 1:35:14 PM

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