The MY HERO Project | Library

Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary

By Juan Williams

Publisher: Random House, Incorporated, January 2000
ISBN: 0812932994
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From Our Editors
Thurgood Marshall is remembered by many as a rather stern, gruff Supreme Court justice, but he was also a courageous young lawyer who took on institutional segregation and racism, winning the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, and a witty, charismatic man-about-town who lived life with gusto and was often seen in the company of prizefighter Joe Louis, singer Cab Calloway, and other leading lights of the African-American community. Williams explores the nature of Marshall's involvements with such prominent civil-rights activists as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Robert F. Kennedy, and his secret dealings with FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover -- a relationship that is revealed here for the very first time.
User Reviews:
charlyeshia | 7/11/2012 4:01 AM
I really love what you done
jill | 5/18/2010 12:12 AM
i love what you done

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