World Poetry Day | March 21

Since its inception in 1999, World Poetry Day "recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind."

Celebrate World Poetry Day with poetry-related hero content.

Credit: Karen Cropper [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr

The MY HERO Project and The Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation are accepting submissions during April for poems about heroes. You can also submit a film, audio recording or artwork illustrating an original hero poem.

For more details, click the banner below.

2024 CFE IFF Mattie
Credit: MY HERO


One More Time

By: Queality
In this short documentary, One More Time, former band members of the Mighty Ram Band of Eastside High recall their golden days of performances

The Peace of Wild Things

Katy Wang
When despair for the world grows in me… ...I come into the peace of wild things. ~Wendell Barry

Still I Rise

Gabriel Diamond, Patrick Barnes, Phil Collis
A visual and musical interpretation of American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou’s electrifying poem "Still I Rise."

Sea Fever

Produced by:Tim Davies
A poetic & musical expression of connecting to the mighty sea.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Produced by:Taft High School
Based on the poem by Robert Frost

The World Is Too Much With Us

Produced by:Taft High School
Based on the poem by William Wordsworth

In Betwen

Produced by:Dir. Rolf Steinmann

In a remote corner of the world a living relic from a prehistoric age still exists. A creature that once roamed the northern plains alongside mammoths and sabertooth cats. This short film is the result of my journey into his world.

The Window Pain

Zack Dictakis
My dad, Nick Dictakis, was a stoic man. He didn't ever share his artistic expression. After he passed in 2016, I found a box of poetry and a notebook titled "Attempts at Poetry by Nick Dictakis" filled with beautiful words and jarring poetic story telling.

Interview with Imtiaz Dharker

Kitty Richardson
Interview with award-winning British poet Imtiaz Dharker on her journey with poetry, her creative process and facing injustice within the industry.


Amanda Gorman: The Poet Who Healed a Nation

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Amanda Gorman, America's first Youth Poet Laureate, recited the original poem "The Hill We Climb" at the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Maya Angelou: One Who Turned Her Life into an Inspiration

By: Chloe Lee

Elizabeth Acevedo

By: Deborah Neff
Afro-Latina poet Elizabeth Acevedo writes about her own people for young adult readers and adults alike.

John McCrae

By: David from San Diego
John McCrae was a Canadian soldier, doctor, author, artist, and renowed WWI poet.

High school student Dylan Rock's hero is poet Matsuo Bashō. Read his hero story and his original poems inspired by Bashō.

Matsuo Bashō

By: Dylan Rock

A student from Rush-Henrietta writes about his poet hero Matsuo Bashō, who is considered the best master of haiku.

Matsuo Bashō

By: Dylan Rock

Dylan Rock writes his own haiku about and inspired by Matsuo Bashō.

Listen & Read Along

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley was the first distinguished African-American poet. [This story is also available in French.]


Walt Whitman

By: Robert Shetterly,

Walt Whitman, iconic American poet, by Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the Truth.

Celebrating We the Future-Amanda Gorman

By: Kate Deciccio

Amanda Gorman, Young Leader of Social Change, was named 2015 National Youth Poet Laureate. Art for the Amplifier Foundation

Allama Muhammad Iqbal

By: Haiqa Asim

The poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal portrayed by Haiqa Asim of Bahria Town School

Langston Hughes

By: Robert Shetterly

American poet Langton Hughes of the Harlem Renaissance.

Collections of Hero Essays about Poets from All over the World

Learning about the lives of poets, and their differing place in society throughout the ages is a fascinating journey. Enjoy these collections of hero essays about poets from all over the world.

Poets from Ancient Times through the Classical Age

Hero Essays on Poets from the BC Era through the 18th Century

19th Century Poets

Hero Essays on Poets from the 19th Century

Poets from the 20th Century to the Present

Includes contemporary poets

See previous winners of the Mattie Poetry Contest - click the image below

"Artsongs" - a portrait of Mattie Stepanek and Micah
Credit: by Karen Derrico

Highlights from The MY HERO Poetry Salon for Social Justice

Organized by Odile Dewar this special program featured readings of original poetry by professional writers and students.

Social Justice Poetry Event
Credit: MY HERO

Stories about Poets
Credit: MY HERO

Poetry Lesson Plan and Resources

Poetry Lesson Plan and Multimedia Resources
Credit: MY HERO



Organizer created on 3/19/2018 6:39:43 PM by Staff Writer

Last edited 2/12/2024 12:13:06 PM by Abigail Richardson