
Charlotte A. Cavatica

by Amy Mack from Castlewood, South Dakota

"It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both."

Charlotte the Spider, the main character in Charlotte's Web is my hero. She had the most wonderful personality which most people wish they could have. She was happy and proud to be herself. (She didn't want to be anything else.) She was very polite and nurturing to others. Most people think of spiders as ugly and dirty, but Charlotte was exactly the opposite. She wasn't afraid to help others and teach them that the most important things in life are love and friendship. She shared her knowledge and was always keeping herself busy with her daily routine.

Sometimes I get caught up in the "daily grind" of life. I forget that other people might be more important than myself. I think Charlotte is an excellent example to adults as well as to young people. She gave and gave of herself until her own death. I admire her because she taught that life does go on when bad things happen, and she also taught how to be strong when everything seems to take you down. She died with a happy heart. The best part of her whole story were the gifts she left behind. Her friends always remembered her as a wise, wonderful, and dedicated friend. This is the way I would like to be remembered when I leave this world. It is amazing what characters in stories teach us--and how they fill our hearts!

Page created on 7/18/2004 4:43:36 PM

Last edited 1/6/2017 6:41:18 PM

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Related Links

Charlotte's Web - A complete "Web" page by Mrs. Taverna's second-graders at Pocantico Hills School

Extra Info

The character of Charlotte is from Charlotte's Web written by E.B.White.