
Sarah, Jen, Tano and Aaron

by Geeta Malik

"It's not hard to do what you love."
--Sarah Fangman
<center>Sarah Fangman (left) and Jen Caselle</center>
Sarah Fangman (left) and Jen Caselle

Sarah Fangman and Jen Caselle worked with the Jason XIV: From Shore to Sea team on an island called Anacapa, which is part of the Channel Islands. Tano Cabugos and Aaron Golley were Student Argonauts in the second week of the project.

Sarah, a research coordinator at the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, got her degrees in biology and environmental science. Sarah also was a diver with the Jason Project. She says, "I guess the people who had the most influence on me were people I did internships with early in my career, people who took the time to help me and encourage me and teach me, and support me early."

For kids interested in science, Sarah says, "find what you love and then it won’t be hard—-it’s not hard to do what you love. Despite the fact that I get seasick, and grew up in the Midwest, and didn’t come from a background that said marine biologist all over it, the ocean fascinated me and I just stuck with it. As a young person, if you can get involved with volunteering and internships, that’s how I got my experience and helped narrow down where I wanted to go with the field."

<center>Jen helping Sarah get ready for her dive</center>
Jen helping Sarah get ready for her dive

Jen is a research biologist at the Marine Science Institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She got a degree in zoology and then spent a few years as a research technician, stuyding birds and lizards. She went on to finish her PhD at UCSB in marine ecology. Jen's love for the ocean began early in her life, and then she found role models who inspired her. She says, "I have always been inspired by their love for the ocean and how good they are at showing that and demonstrating it with film and outreach. One is Jean-Michele Cousteau, and the other is Dr. Sylvia Earle, who was an early explorer, long before most other women were exploring the ocean."

Jen advises other kids to "stick with it! If you love it, definitely go for it. Don’t ever think that for any reason you can’t do it. It’s not about being male or female at all. It’s really hard-you have to study hard, you may have to take a lot of classes that you don’t particularly enjoy, but if you get through it, it’s really worth it. I can’t imagine doing anything else."

<center>Aaron (left) and Tano</center>
Aaron (left) and Tano

Tano Cabugos, 13 and Aaron Golley, 15, are Student Argonauts with the Jason Project. Aaron also dove alongside Sarah to study the kelp forest on Anacapa island.

Tano got involved with the Jason Project after already being curious about science. He says, "everything about science was really interesting, but I just needed that hands-on kind of thing. When you’re reading the books, you can learn it, but when you’re experiencing what they’re trying to teach you, you learn a lot faster, and you get a better idea of what you're studying..and it's just all around more fun."

Aaron says, "my entire life I lived around the water, and I had an interest in marine biology and oceanography. Then, the time came to apply for Jason, so I did, and it's awesome because they were going to a totally new place and doing kelp monitoring, which is why I applied."

<center>Aaron getting ready to dive in!</center>
Aaron getting ready to dive in!

Tano says that his parents were his role models, and always supported him in whatever he wanted to do. Aaron mentioned that one of his role models was Thomas Thompson, who discovered the wreck of the S.S. Central America, a gold mining ship that brought gold back and forth from Panama to New York. Aaron says, "It sunk in 1857, and Tommy Thompson is the one who found the wreck. He made one fo the first ROVs that could go down and find wrecks like that, and he was right with Dr. Ballard for the first RVO and first submersible."

Tano says, "Another one for me was Sylvia Earle. It was really cool when I met her. She’s the deepest diving woman in the world and even though she’s not as young as Aaron or me, she’s still living it, and being a scientist and just being out there."

Tano recommended that other kids interested in science shouldn't "let anything stop you. Pursue what you want to do, if you change your mind in the long run, at least you’ll have options."

Page created on 3/21/2003 11:28:54 AM

Last edited 3/21/2003 11:28:54 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The Jason Project - A link to the Jason XIV Expedition on the Channel Islands
XIV Argonauts - Read the My Hero page about more Jason Argonauts
Dr. Robert Ballard - The My Hero page about Dr. Ballard and the Jason Project

Author Info

JASON XIV: From Shore to Sea (school year 2002-2003) is engaging students and teachers in an exciting journey to explore the unique Channel Islands region of California. This area includes the Channel Islands National Park, the waters of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the densely populated California coastline, and serves as the project's laboratory for studying nature's dynamic systems.