Earth Day Lesson Plan


Students read curated stories, watch short films and analyze art about individuals who have made a difference in their environment, and consider the discussion questions. Resources are organized by grade level

Earth Day Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO

Earth Day Lesson Plans and Resources Curated for One Class Period 

One Class Period Earth Day Lesson
Credit: MY HERO

Impact of Plastic on Our Oceans: Short films for each grade level - perfect for one class period.

Students of all ages explore the impact of plastic on our oceans, discussion questions included.

Plastic Impact on Oceans
Credit: MY HERO

Middle School Lessons: Perfect for One Class Period 

Students read the following stories and watch the short films before considering the discussion questions.

Read the story and watch the film to learn about Olivia who was inspired to make a difference after an oil spill.

Olivia's Birds and the Oil Spill

Produced by:Lynne Cherry

Young Olivia loves birds, and creates over 500 paintings of her feathered friends to raise funds for Audubon's bird rescue.

Olivia Bouler

By: Betty Bailey

Olivia raised funds for Audubon's bird rescue. This story has text with audio so students can listen as they read along. 

Through story and film, learn about Wangari Maathai, founder of the Greenbelt Movement, and Feliz who was inspired by Wangari to plant trees. 

Wangari Maathai Tribute Film

Produced by:Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Wangari Maathai

By: Frances Moore Lappe
Wangari Maathai was an environmental activist and Nobel laureate who founded the Green Belt movement.

Watch the following film about 11-year-old Felix from Germany was concerned about the climate crisis. As he researched this issue, he learned about Wangari Maathai. Felix was so inspired by her efforts, that he decided to create an action plan and started Plant for the Planet: Trees for Climate Justice. The goal is for school children in Germany to plant 1,000,000 trees.  

Young Voices for the Planet - Plant for the Planet

Produced by:Lynne Cherry
Felix from Germany is inspired by Wangari Maathai's work to plant trees with his fellow pupils.

Discussion Questions:

1. How are these environmentalists featured in the films and stories living examples that an ordinary person can make a difference?

2. What character traits do these individuals share?

3. How are these environmental issues relevant today?

4. What environmental issues are you motivated to work towards improving? Who is making a positive difference? What can you do?

Middle and High School: Films and Stories for one or more class periods.

Choose a selection of films for students to watch and/or stories to read about environmental heroes. Find Discussion Questions after the resources.

Films About Environmental Heroes Making a Difference in Their Own Communities 

Rainforest Action

Will Parrinello

In 2020 Nemonte received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize and was named to Time Magazine’s Top 100 influential people. (8 min. runtime)

Mother of All Rivers

Producer: Berta Cceres rallied the Lenca people to wage a grassroots protest tha...

Berta Cáceres rallied Lenca people to wage a grassroots protest and stop the building the Agua Zarca Dam. (8:54 min. runtime)

Ocean Hero Spotlight

By: Jessica Vance

Oluwaseyi Moejoh from Nigeria and Heather Brockbank from the Bahamas share their stories of ocean activism. (4:23 min. runtime)

Words Have Power

By: Lynne Cherry

10-year-old Jaysa rallies the community with her speeches about how the power plant causes asthma and “so much suffering.” (6:06 min. runtime)

Taking Root

Produced by:Michelle Law

In a small farming area outside the city, Mr. Loi, a local farmer, discovers the techniques of chemical-free farming. (9:09 min. runtime)

My Toxic Reality

Produced by:Tom Dusenbery

Hilton Kelley is tired of seeing his community ravaged by pollution from oil refineries. He and his fellow citizens demand change. (4:19 min. runtime)

Upstanders: The Kids Who Killed an Incinerator

Produced by:Howard Schultz and Rajiv Chandrasekaran [Starbucks]

The high school students who battled a giant incinerator — and won. (5:42 min. runtime)

Stories About Environmental Activists

Frances Moore Lappé’s Diet for a Small Planet Celebrates 50th Anniversary

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Frances Moore Lappé’s Diet for a Small Planet Celebrates 50th Anniversary with new edition.

Dayna Reggero Wins Special Award for THE STORY WE WANT

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Two grassroots environmental activists, moms, address fracking and coal ash dumping in the state of North Carolina.

Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo

By: Wisnu from Surabaya

Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo educated people in Indonesia to protect the environment.

Greta Thunberg

By: MY HERO Staff

On the first day, Greta Thunberg, a climate activist with aspbergers, protested outside of Swedish Parliament alone. Now, she's leading 1.5 million students globally.

Dr. Vandana Shiva

By: David Kemker

Dr. Vandana Shiva works to preserve biodiversity for the planet.

Chibeze Ezekiel : Award Winning Climate Activist

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Listen and Read Along: The Following Stories Have Text and Audio

Rachel Carson

By: Wendy Jewell

Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, was the mother of the environmental movement.

John Muir

By: Harold W. Wood, Jr.

John Muir advocated preservation, feeling that natural areas promote mental health.

Discussion Questions:

1. How are these environmentalists featured in the films and stories living examples that an ordinary person can make a difference?

2. What character traits do these individuals share?

3. How are these environmental issues relevant today?

4. What environmental issues are you motivated to work towards improving? Who is making a positive difference? What can you do?

Posters About Protecting the Environment: Students Consider Creating Your Own Environmental Poster to Submit to MY HERO

Protect Sacred Waters

By: Ernesto Yerena

This poster for the Amplifier Foundation represents artist Ernesto Yerena's commitment to Native American heritage, issues and sacred lands

Stop Fracking Stop Drilling

By: Gregg Deal

Protect the Sacred

By: Shepard Fairey for Amplifier

Artist Shepard Fairey of Obey Art has created many posters for the Amplifier Foundation and has been instrumental in the Kickstarter campaign to get the Amplifier Foundation off the ground.

Portraits of Environmental Heroes

Students are encouraged to research the environmentalists featured in the portraits below to learn more about their positive contributions to the environment. 

Wangari Maathai by Guinevere D from Henrietta, NY

By: Guinevere Devlin

Amara Ifeji

By: Robert Shetterly

Oren Lyons

By: Robert Shetterly
Native-American Faithkeeper, Human Rights Advocate, Environmental Activist: b. 1930 "The law says if you poison the water, you'll die. The law says that if you poison the air, you'll suffer. The law says if you degrade where you live, you'll suffer. If you don't learn that, you can only suffer. There's no discussion with this law."

Aldo Leopold

By: Robert Shetterly

Rachel Carson by Roberty Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Often referred to as "The Mother of the Environmental Movement," Carson worked hard to raise awareness of the environmental and health risks caused by chemicals

John Muir by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Conservationist, naturalist and explorer, John Muir (1838 - 1914) was a well-written and outspoken advocate for conservancy.

David Suzuki

By: Andy Liu

Winona LaDuke by K E Harleston

By: K.e. Harleston
Winona LaDuke is a Native American Harvard graduate economist, environmentalist, activist, author and executive director of Honor The Earth.



By: Art Miles Mural Painters

Environment - Life in the Clean Water and Air

By: Yasutomikita Elementary School in Japan and W.H. Day Elementary School in Ca...

Learning Outcome

After having a discussion about these individuals and the positive impact they made on the environment, students will have a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting the environment and how one person can make a difference and become inspired to address an environmental issue important to their own lives. 

Additional Environmental Films

Elementary School: Environmental and Ocean Conservation Films

MY HERO Multimedia Ocean Conservation Resources for Elementary Students

By: Laura Nietzer

For Homeschooling and Virtual Education to Enrich Learning Connected to the UN Sustainability Goal #14 Life Below Water: Activities Included

Environmental Film Selections for Elementary Students

By: Laura Nietzer

Students watch a selection of curated films from the MY HERO Multimedia Library to enhance learning at home and school.

The Importance of Clean Water Around the World: Resources for Younger Students

By: Laura Nietzer

Resources for both younger and upper elementary students that highlight the need for access to fresh water for all, as well as keeping water free from pollution. Resources are connected to Sustainable Development Goals #6 Clean Water and Sanitation and #14 Life Below Water.

Middle School: Environmental and Ocean Conservation Films

MY HERO Multimedia Ocean Conservation Resources for Middle School Students

By: Laura Nietzer

For Homeschooling and Virtual Education to Enrich Learning Connected to the UN Sustainability Goal #14 Life Below Water: Activities Included

Environmental Films Selections for Middle School Students

By: Laura Nietzer

Students watch a selection of curated films from the MY HERO Multimedia Library to enhance learning at home and school.

High School: Environmental and Ocean Conservation Films

Environmental Film Selections for High School Students

By: Laura Nietzer

Students watch a selection of curated films from the MY HERO Multimedia Library to enhance learning at home and school.

Ocean Conservation Efforts Lesson Plans, Activities and Resources for High School

By: Laura Nietzer

Celebrate the Best of Humanity Working on Ocean Conservation:Learning Connected to the UN Sustainability Goal #14 Life Below Water

Related Links

Jane Goodall Lesson Plan
Credit: Jane Goodall Institute
International Day of Biodiversity Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO
Wangari Maathai Lesson Plan
Credit: Kingkongphoto | from Laurel MD, USA
World Environment Day Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO


Laura Nietzer

The Earth Day lesson plan was curated by MY HERO Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer.

Students can share their Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

Outstanding essays submitted to MY HERO will be considered for a certificate/t-shirt prize or be featured on the Story Homepage.

Submit your artwork to be entered in the MY HERO art contest or to be exhibited on our Gallery Homepage.

Students can submit their films for free with a waiver to the MY HERO International Film Festival.

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO

MY HERO Calendars for use in the Classroom

MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources

MY HERO Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom


Organizer created on 3/14/2019 12:01:43 AM by Xenia Shin

Last edited 4/17/2024 1:07:03 PM by Laura Nietzer