
Giannis Antetokounmpo

by DJ Cardinal from San Diego, California in United States

He has the potential to do it. He has the physical tools, the intelligence. Now it's just a matter of believing in himself and going after it. He has the talent to be a great player.
- Kobe Bryant

I got loyalty inside my DNA.

- GiannisAntetokounmpo

132281 Giannis Antetokounmpo dunking Keith Allison from Hanover, MD, USA [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]Some let their dreams fade away, some do everything they can to make their dreams a reality. Here, my hero did everything in his power to uplift his family from poverty. Giannis Antetokounmpo rose from poverty into a NBA’s “most electrifying young star” (“Giannis Antetokounmpo.” Contemporary). Born in 1996 in poverty to immigrant parents, Giannis took on the duty of provider, turning the streets to support his family by selling watches, sunglasses, and video games. Making ten dollars a day meant his family would not starve. At 13, a local coach noticed his height, coupled with his determination to learn the game of basketball. His and his brother’s basketball skills were so desirable that coaches offered permanent jobs to his parents, allowing them to get off the streets and focus on basketball. He climbed through the European basketball circuit, with one Spanish team offering him 450k a year. The NBA finally took notice, and he went to try out. Making a the Milwaukee Bucks NBA team, Giannis faded into the background struggling to keep up with the fast pace. Through grit and determination, he earned a starting spot and made the Eastern Conference All-star team at the age of 22. Giannis' perseverance and hard work to rise up from poverty, selflessness for the greater good of his family and the community, and his decision to the right thing on and off the court made him a hero.

Giannis' ability to overcome poverty to made and becoming NBA franchise player made him an inspiration, showing, just because you started with nothing you can change your position and achieve better. His parents were not successful in providing for the family. Worried about their immigration status, “Antetokounmpo's parents struggled to earn a living.” Giannis and his brother took it upon themselves to support the family. While out earning money for his family, a basketball coach took notice of his height. “At the age of thirteen, Antetokounmpo was spotted by a local basketball coach who saw the tall teenager's potential” (“Giannis Antetokounmpo.” Contemporary). At first Giannis did not want to abandon his duty to make money for his family because he was nervous that he may lack the abilities to play basketball. On the court he seemed uncoordinated because he grew fast and had not grown into his long limbs. He worked day in and out on the mechanics of basketball, determined to get better, working through the European leagues until the NBA invited him to try out. “He has been averaging something like 24 points, 9 rebounds and 6 assists” (Kang). Now Giannis is known around the world as a famous basketball player that is agile for his 6’11” stature. Most basketball players at this height cannot move around the court like a point guard, but Giannis can.  

Giannis matured at a young age, willing to adapt to circumstances to make the lives of others better. Giannis is a smart player on and off the court. As a young child he would work to help provide for his family. His father equipped him with the skills to be a good salesman: “You need to use your personality, quickly get to know your customer, ask the right questions, and ask them to buy” (Popyk). Giannis understood some of the foundational principles of selling, identifying with the customer, getting to know the customer, and suggestive selling. Living in poverty, surviving off ten dollars a day he did not succumb to the streets. Rather, inspiring the youth from every socioeconomic background, he shows that money does not define you, highlighting that limited resources can actually connect you to the struggles of life. As a little boy he wandered the streets to sell items for survival, then grew into a man who controls the court. He uses his position and money to give back to the less fortunate, knowing that feeling of waking up in the morning wondering when your next meal would be. He donates thousands of dollars to various Milwaukee nonprofits to provide a Thanksgiving meal to people in need. Then you look at him today and see his great success and how much he gives back to other people in need, and still being so young and still making such a big impact.

In conclusion, Giannis is a hero because of the challenges he overcame to get to where he is today. Working hard and always trying his best to put himself into a better position for the future. Living his life as an example of “walk by faith not by sight” (“Giannis Antetokounmpo.” Gale). Also, displaying a caring nature, because as a young kid he saw that his family was very poor, and took action. Going to work on the streets with his brother to provide for his family so they would not starve.

Work Cited

"Giannis Antetokounmpo." Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 142, Gale, 2017. Biography InContext, &xid=45e39ae8. Accessed 26 Mar. 2019.

"Giannis Antetokounmpo." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2017. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2019.

Kang, Jay Caspian. "Hunting for Unicorns in the N.B.A." The New York Times Magazine, 22 Jan.2017, p. 17(L). Student Resources In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2019.

Popyk, Bob. "Sales Tips From An NBA Star: Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucksoffers sound advice for making more sales." Music Trades, June 2018, p. 56. StudentResources In Context, =SUIC&xid=9a46ab49. Accessed 22 Mar. 2019.

Page created on 4/10/2019 6:15:08 PM

Last edited 4/12/2019 1:57:42 AM

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