“Frame By Frame” Wins MY HERO's 2015 Dan Eldon Activist Award
Kathy Eldon Presents the Dan Eldon Activist Award |
Contact: Wendy Milette FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
SANTA MONICA, CA – 11/24/15 A documentary that follows photojournalists working to establish a free press in the post war country of Afghanistan is the winner of the 2015 Dan Eldon Activist Award. “Frame by Frame,” shadows four Afghan photojournalists, with various areas of focus, in a country where taking a photograph was once illegal.
One photographer captures breaking news. Another tackles the tough social issues, such as heroin addicts on the streets and in recovery centers. A third believes in the historic value of photographs, which he feels are an important part of a nation’s identity. The fourth, a woman, focuses on the lives of Afghan women and the impact of the Taliban regime on the generation who were denied educations.
The Dan Eldon Activist Award is given each year to a film that uses media to bring about positive change. Some of the film’s interviews and footage were shot secretly during the Taliban regime, which offers the audience a candid look at an oppressed people.
Creative Visions Founder Kathy Eldon |
Eldon was an activist and photojournalist, passionate in his quest to tell stories what were not being told. In 1993, 22-year-old Eldon was killed on assignment in Somalia. His mother Kathy Eldon is founder of Creative Visions Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters and promotes activism. She personally presents the Dan Eldon Activist Award in his honor each year at the MY HERO International Film Festival.
“It is about photojournalists who are shedding light, taking photographs, creating images that can awaken the world and that’s what this film festival is all about,” said Eldon,
Eldon has just finished shooting a feature film that has been 20 years in the making. It reveals her son’s incredible journey as a photojournalist.
Page created on 11/28/2015 4:19:12 PM
Last edited 2/19/2021 7:39:57 PM