2020 Ron Kovic Peace Prize Finalists

These films have been selected for promoting a more peaceful world.

The Peace of Wild Things

Katy Wang

When despair for the world grows in me…
…I come into the peace of wild things. ~ Wendell Barry

Francesco [Trailer]

Evgeny Afineevsky
The "Francesco" documentary directed by Oscar nominee Evgeny Afineevsky is ready for its world premiere at the Rome Film festival this week!

Shymaa's story from GAZA - "We Are the Ones"

Steve Robertson
Shymaa's story sparked the 2 Unite All benefit album with 30 world famed musicians ...

Voices for Peace

Jake Frankel
Diverse people from across the globe come together and share a hopeful message that despite our challenges and differences, peace is possible.


Members of NNSC, National Network for Safe Communities, discuss their world-wide programs that work to reduce and prevent violence in communities.

Communities of Hope : Discovering the ecovillages of Europe [Trailer]

Lou and Diego
Communities of Hope is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture.

The Curious Scroll: How Does Something Ugly Become Beautiful

Andrew Purchin
Being curious could just be the needed element to bring people together and overcome differences.

Learn More about the Ron Kovic Peace Prize

Credit: myhero

Organizer created on 10/29/2020 7:41:02 PM by Wendy Milette

Last edited 11/9/2020 12:08:48 AM by Wendy Milette