MY HERO Global Learning Circles - High School - Countries participating Algeria, Taiwan, Moldova, USA, Romania, Slovenia and Argentina

Er-redouane School, Ghardaia, Algeria

Teacher, Abdallah hadj brahim

We are inspired by many people around us, those who deserve the title Heroes, they have contributed in making our life better and showed us how believing on ourselves can make from us heroes. Er-redouane girls have successfully recognized their heroes and made them clear to the world to inspire from them.


Sheikh Abd Errahman Bakelli

By: selma Bakelli

Larbi Ben M'hidi

By: Asma Baba Adoun

Mohammed Baba Ammi

By: Asma Baba adoun

Ahmad Mazin Alshugairi

By: Nanna Said

Zighoud youssef

By: Abanou Ihcen

Mohammed Itfeyesh

By: Sabrina Chihani

Ahmed Al Shahayri

By: Nanna Said

Omar ibn al- Khattab

By: Aziza Amini

Short Film

Morgan Freeman

Producer: Selma Bakelli

Organizer created on 3/5/2018 3:01:30 PM by Abdallah Hadj Brahim

Last edited 6/13/2018 1:45:36 PM by Wendy Jewell