
Anne Frank

by Rosalie from Colorado


My hero is Anne Frank because she was courageous.

Anne Frank and her family lived in the attic for 25 months until the Nazis found them. Then they found Anne Frank and her friends in August. They took them to a concentration camp where Anne Frank and her family died, except her dad.

Anne Frank & her sister Margot (
Anne Frank & her sister Margot (

Anne Frank and her sister died of typhus, her mother died of starvation. Anne Frank lived in Germany; she was born in June 12, 1929.

Anne Frank is my hero because she wrote in her diary about her life, before she died. If she didn’t write in her dairy we wouldn’t know about her. Anne Frank should be in the writer’s category.

If Anne Frank were alive she would have been still brave like she was before she’d died and happy that she was alive.

Page created on 5/24/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/24/2007 12:00:00 AM

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