
Alexander Graham Bell

by Mike from Alberta

Imagine life without the telephone, that’s why Alexander Graham Bell [AGB] thought of a device to send messages over electrical wires. A few reasons why I choose AGB is because he did more than an inventor. He was also a professor of Vocal Physiology at Elocution at the University of Boston. This profession helped the deaf, the mutes and the blind that are helpless. Some people know Alexander Graham bell as one of the Top Ten Canadians but he did more than invent the telephone!

AGB was born in March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was always fascinated in sound and speech so he went to pursue his interests as a student of The University of Edinburgh. Then eventually he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps as an elocution professor of speech and pathologies. At age 23, Alexander Graham Bell went to Boston, Massachusetts where he worked to publicize his father’s Visible Speech System. In 1872 he founded his own school for Deaf-mutes after being appointed Professor of Vocal physiology at Boston.

<a href=>The Very First Phone </a>
The Very First Phone

AGB is my hero because he taught deaf-mutes who were helpless. He also invented a telephone which changed the world of communication. Without the telephone life would be very difficult because the only way to communicate to others is to talk face to face. He also made the Hydro-Foil [HD-4] which changed the world of transportation by holding a record of the fastest boat for many years. AGB invented many more creations such as the Photophone and the Wax-recording cylinder [The basics for the phonograph]

<a href=>Beinn Bhreagh </a>
Beinn Bhreagh

After the invention of the telephone he married one of his former deaf pupils, Mabel S. Hubbard and started a family. In this same year AGB formed the Bell Telephone Company. Bell went to create more inventions. While on his vacation to Canada he stumbled on Baddeck, Nova Scotia. This place reminded him of his childhood in Scotland. He bought the piece of land and built his summer home called Beinn Bhreagh.

131 years after the first phone is the iPhone
131 years after the first phone is the iPhone

Alexander Graham Bell was a talented person who was a great orator. He was a Professor for deaf-mutes. Without the help of Bell, those who were deaf and dumb might not have survived in the world. His creations were meant to change the world, or make the world better place to live in. He once said, “Leave your beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do, you will be certain to find something you have never seen before."

Page created on 3/9/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/9/2007 12:00:00 AM

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